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Studio not pulling entire repo #60

Open e-wagner-OH opened 5 days ago

e-wagner-OH commented 5 days ago

Trying to create a super diagram that pulls in 13 other d2 diagrams. Have a github action that adds git submodules to a branch and pushes that branch. Try to open in d2 studio, and the git submodules and their dir are not showing up.

The git branch looks normal, I think it is just a limitation of studio at this point? How can I add other diagrams (which are in their own git repos) to another diagram that may have it's own dependencies on the lower level diagram?

alixander commented 4 days ago

@e-wagner-OH to be clear, the repo that D2 is pulling from has submodules? And the issue is that those are not being detected?

If so, the fix should be simple, just want to understand.

e-wagner-OH commented 4 days ago

@alixander - yes, exactly. Submodules not being detected within Studio. Also, when I push to a test branch from the super diagram in Studio, the submodule diagrams do not get pushed.

alixander commented 4 days ago

@e-wagner-OH I see, thanks for the information. I have a few followup questions:

  1. What is in these submodules?
  2. Are there any references being made from the main repo to submodules? E.g. icons, imports
  3. I didn't quite understand your last sentence. If the "super diagram" is the repository that contains those submodules, why would the submodules also get a git push?
e-wagner-OH commented 4 days ago

@alixander What is in these submodules? D2 diagrams Are there any references being made from the main repo to submodules? E.g. icons, imports Yes, imports I didn't quite understand your last sentence. If the "super diagram" is the repository that contains those submodules, why would the submodules also get a git push? The super diagram would contain its own index.d2 file and the 13 git submodules of other diagrams. I wanted to use composition (layers and scenarios) to walk different groups through the work being considered.

I created a test with 2 git repos and I made them public. d2-test-a and d2-test-b.

In test-a, I have a ...@d2-test-b/index line in the index.d2 and I have added the d2-test-b as a git submodule. Locally developing d2, the import command works fine and I get what I expect from the import.


When I connect to studio with the same branch, the git submodule is not available/ or pulled into terrastruct. Error in studio.


alixander commented 1 day ago

The super diagram would contain its own index.d2 file and the 13 git submodules of other diagrams.

Let's say I open the super diagram in D2 Studio and the contents of the submodules also appear. If I update the content of the submodule, is it expected those changes also be pushed to the submodule repository?

To be honest I haven't considered this use case. It's an interesting one that I'll think about more whether and how to support. Currently have a backlog of todo's and will queue this and get back to you in a few sprints.

e-wagner-OH commented 1 day ago

@alixander - Thanks

I would assume that the git submodules would not be updatable via studio. Changes to them could be made via the composition configurations at the layer or scenario level.