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Feature Request: Jenkins Blue Ocean CI/CD pipelines #1323

Open HariSekhon opened 1 year ago

HariSekhon commented 1 year ago


Jenkins CI/CD pipeline graph.


  1. different icons
  2. different arrow style
  3. icon alignment along a backbone representing the pipeline with forks and merge type behaviour
  4. Jenkins parallel stages need to be vertically aligned, placement needs to be better controlled to look like the Jenkins Blue Ocean UI graph diagram it generates

Use Cases

Demonstrating popular CI/CD workflows and strategies - Jenkins Blue Ocean UI pipeline diagram is currently the gold standard for visualizing this and most widely use - so I want it to look like this.

I would like to be able to create Blue Ocean diagrams in code without having to create the actual pipelines in Jenkins and then take screenshots. That is so last decade.

Please let this become another cool Diagram-as-Code type 🙏🏼


pipeline in progress, some steps failed but ignored eg. code scan

pipeline in progress, some steps skipped:

pipeline completed, some steps failed, other steps skipped:

no changes detected, so Approval not asked for an Apply skipped too:

pipeline Approval stage not approved or timed out, so terraform Apply stage skipped:

More screenshots can be found here along with the Jenkinsfile and Groovy Shared Library code behind all these pipelines:


More screenshots can be found in my Diagrams-as-Code repo which uses D2 lang among other diagram languages:



alixander commented 1 year ago

@HariSekhon curious how this looks! is it just this?


HariSekhon commented 1 year ago

I've updated the original post with some real-world screenshots showing some real variations including: