terricain / certbot-dns-azure

AzureDNS Certbot plugin
33 stars 16 forks source link

Mulitleve-subdomains #43

Open bronhy opened 3 months ago

bronhy commented 3 months ago


thank you for making this solution open source.

I am wondering if i can use this plugin for multilevel subdomain wildcards?

For example

.example.com .staging.example.com *.development.example.com

If so how would the configuration of the ini file look like?

terricain commented 3 months ago

https://docs.certbot-dns-azure.co.uk/en/latest/ - assuming you have the credentials done,

dns_azure_zone1 = example.com:/subscriptions/SUBID/resourceGroups/RGID

Assuming you have 1 zone called example.com then the above should suffice.