terricain / certbot-dns-azure

AzureDNS Certbot plugin
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Wildcard cert issue with base domain #9

Closed mrrsm closed 3 years ago

mrrsm commented 3 years ago

I am attempting to register *.subdomain.example.com and subdomain.example.com in the same request. I always get an error that it can't validate the TXT record on one of the two domains that are listed. If I do them one at a time things seem to work just fine.

This seems like it may be the same issue that was talked about here https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/5673

certbot certonly --authenticator dns-azure --preferred-challenges dns --noninteractive --agree-tos --email certbot@example.com --dns-azure-config /etc/azure.ini -d subdomain.example.com -d *.subdomain.example.com

terricain commented 3 years ago

Ahhhh, I have a feeling I know where this is breaking. I will look into it this week as it should be an easy fix.

filipisaci commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem for wildcards.

moriyoshi commented 3 years ago

@mrrsm I'm not a contributor of this project, but can you please test https://github.com/binkhq/certbot-dns-azure/pull/10 if you have time? My fix worked for several configurations of mine and I just want to see how it will do for others.

terricain commented 3 years ago

Can someone test out the beta certbot-dns-azure==1.3.0b0 i've just released. Assuming its all good I'll release 1.3.0

mrrsm commented 3 years ago

@terrycain I was able to successfully test running certbot renew with certbot-dns-azure==1.3.0b0 I should be able to test a fresh setup in a little while as well.

mrrsm commented 3 years ago

@terrycain The fix seems to be working for both renews as well as new certs. Thanks for packaging the release, can't wait for the GA release

@moriyoshi Thanks for the fix!

terricain commented 3 years ago

1.3.0 is out 😄 thanks all for helping with this!

filipisaci commented 3 years ago

1.3.0 It's works for me too!

Thank you very much!