terry3041 / pyChatGPT

An unofficial Python wrapper for OpenAI's ChatGPT API
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.35k stars 255 forks source link

Added Support For Conversation ID also Tried Fixing Index out of range error #66

Closed mukund1606 closed 1 year ago

mukund1606 commented 1 year ago

Added Optional Parameter from Conversation ID to continue older chats on ChatGPT. Simply Just Copy the https://chat.openai.com/chat/${conversation_id} from url and add as a parameter

Usage: api = ChatGPT(session_token={Session_token}, conversation_id={converastion_id})

Also Tried fixing Index out of range error not sure about the error as never encountered it so can't say for sure if that will work or not

terry3041 commented 1 year ago

Other than that part, it seems okay to me.

mukund1606 commented 1 year ago

Revert Those Changes 👍