terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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z.lua #140

Closed suliveevil closed 4 years ago

suliveevil commented 4 years ago

z.lua is a lua script developed by skywind3000.

It is

Self contained, distributed as a single z.lua script, no other dependence.

Could z.lua be integrated into iVim’s ivish as a search tool?

terrychou commented 4 years ago

Rather than a pure lua script, z.lua seems to utilize shell scripts (from different famous shells, like bash, fish ...) and environment variables to work. Unfortunately these are not well supported in ivish.

PS. please use English to discuss here. I have no problems understanding Chinese, but people who don't know it may miss the chance to help.

suliveevil commented 4 years ago

Dependencies is always a problem due to Apple’s restrictions. I will find a replacement using pure vimscript.

😂 I will Switch this issue to English.