terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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【golang rust ruby wasm, make, cmake】 #158

Closed suliveevil closed 2 years ago

suliveevil commented 4 years ago

Would those be possible?

a-Shell can install wasm like Vim install plugin. There are some awesome plugins using ruby golang rust. I want ivish can have those feature/use those plugins too!

suliveevil commented 4 years ago


Plugin requires rust:

https://github.com/nickspoons/vim-hotfuzz Dep: https://github.com/sharkdp/fd

Plugin requires golang:

https://github.com/itchyny/vim-gof Dep: https://github.com/mattn/gof

CLI tool

Plugin requires cmake


ViViDboarder commented 4 years ago

Do all of those actually require rust / go / or cmake, or is it only required to compile during install? If the latter, the binary could be pre-compiled and then installed without bringing the entire build deps.

suliveevil commented 4 years ago


language environment is actually required by plugins write with certain language.


make cmake

make cmake are required to compile during install.


wasm is what a-Shell using.

If the latter, the binary could be pre-compiled and then installed without bringing the entire build deps.

terrychou commented 4 years ago

Do all of those actually require rust / go / or cmake, or is it only required to compile during install? If the latter, the binary could be pre-compiled and then installed without bringing the entire build deps.

Due to the restriction of iOS systems, even the pre-compiled binaries need to be integrated into the main one (or some even needs certain modification) to run. Code that needs compiling to binaries is different from scripting languages like Python (wasm is closer to Python in this respect). So this is more difficult than it looks.

dsisnero commented 4 years ago

+1 for ruby

dsisnero commented 4 years ago

can we get ruby so it is a scripting language like python