terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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Making completion plugins work #169

Open ApolloBian opened 4 years ago

ApolloBian commented 4 years ago

I have started using iVim for a few days and have configured it to the point where it is almost identical to my desktop setup. However, one thing that I cannot get working is YouCompleteme, since it requires to compile ycmd.

$python3 install.py
ERROR: Unable to find executable 'cmake'. Cmake is required to build ycmd

I also tried to use vim-lsp and got stuck installing pyls with this error:

error: ('clang not available on iOS ......)

Are there any workarounds, e.g. is it possible to compile it elsewhere using a PC and copy to the proper location in order to make YCM or pyls to work?

terrychou commented 4 years ago

According to the errors above, I suspect that both plugins require a background daemon (which in turn required to be compiled by cmake or clang) to run.

Unfortunately since iOS forbids users to launch processes themselves, the compile it elsewhere then copy to the proper location idea would not work.