terrychou / iVim

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[display issue] terminal #191

Closed figuremout closed 3 years ago

figuremout commented 3 years ago

After enter terminal by :ter & close origin file by :q, the terminal can display on full screen. But when I ssh to remote host, the remote host command line can only display on half screen

terrychou commented 3 years ago

This happens because the window sizes are not updated as other platforms due to the signal handling.

figuremout commented 3 years ago

This happens because the window sizes are not updated as other platforms due to the signal handling.

Thanks for reply, but I still can't figure out a way to solve this problem. Is it should blame on the remote host or vim, is there anything I can do to solve it?

terrychou commented 3 years ago

I guess what you want to achieve is to use ssh in a full window, right? If so, you can open a single terminal window in a new tabpage with :tab term.

figuremout commented 3 years ago

I guess what you want to achieve is to use ssh in a full window, right? If so, you can open a single terminal window in a new tabpage with :tab term.

I have tried but it does not work, here is the screenshot. Thanks anyway IMG_20210310_002153

terrychou commented 3 years ago

Emm... it is weird because it works at my end.

According to your tabpage name, I think you connect ssh directly from the command. Could you try open the shell ivish first, then run ssh within it afterwards?

figuremout commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot. Both :tab term and typing with external keyboard are indispensable. I guess once the terminal is opened, its size is set and will not receive signals to change it. So its initial size may be squeezed by the origin file (when use :term to open terminal) or soft keyboard. And after origin file is closed and soft keyboard is hided, it still keeps the initial size.