terrychou / iVim

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Laggy Input when using Code Folding in Markdown #194

Open ahayman opened 3 years ago

ahayman commented 3 years ago

I suspect this may simply be an issue for the currently embedded version of vim, but I wanted to post it here in case it's something else.

I used code folding for out-lining stuff in markdown. Vim added it not too long ago, and can be enabled like so:

set g:markdown_folding = 1

However, in iVim the text input becomes very laggy after a document exceeds around 4-5k words. I am not using any plugin for this; I just enable the feature within the .vimrc file. If I disable the feature, text input no longer lags.

This does not happen with the exact same document in regular vim.

I'm hoping this is simply due to the vim version embedded in iVim. I believe it's currently using Vim 8.1.xxx, while my regular desktop vim is 8.2.xxx.