terrychou / iVim

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wiki.vim prevents iVim from working #205

Open anjiro opened 3 years ago

anjiro commented 3 years ago

Doing :iplug add https://github.com/lervag/wiki.vim results in a black screen when restarting iVim. This happens even with a fresh configuration (removing .vim*). To fix it I have to add -u NONE to the startup options and remove the plug-in.

anjiro commented 3 years ago

With some experimentation, I found the problem. wiki.vim tries to detect the OS type with system(‘uname’). That command works fine when iVim is running, but it looks like during startup it hangs iVim.

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

I haven't experienced this problem with wiki.vim. The problem I do have is giving wiki.vim access to external directories with the :iexdir command.

I am able to do so with MacVim on a MacBook. But after establishing a link to the same directory with :iexdir on my iPhone and using the same path used with wiki.vim on the MacBook files are saved in weird new internal directories.

I suspect the path to the external directories will be different for iOS/iPadOS devices than for MacOS devices, but I haven't found it. I've explored/library/ivim/externaldirs/links/ but come to a dead ed.

anjiro commented 2 years ago

I have had to do this on iOS:

let g:wiki_root = py3eval('os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser("~/wiki"))')

in order to get an actual working path.

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I should probably just try this. But I have questions, the first being, will it take me to an external directory I’ve linked to with an :iexdir command?

Second, what does it do? (I’m a non-coder, as yet incapable of following out the logic of code.)

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

On another note, I’m wondering about some folders/paths in iVim I discovered by accident, negotiating into the very topmost folders in netrw.

E.g., if there I go into ~/library/ivim I see /externaldirs, /externalitems, and /externalsymlinks.

Poking around for a while I found this: ~/library/externaldirs/bookmarks/767B00F4-A6D5-4B01-A62F-F217523BD92B/origin.

In it was this: ~/private/var/mobile/library/mobile documents/com~apple~clouddocs/vimfiles. I put it into my .vimrc as the root for wiki.vim. And it worked!

Now I can create, open, and save files in iCloud Drive. Now I can sync directories between my devices.