terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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iVim Pro Clone Repo isn’t working #218

Closed ahayman closed 1 year ago

ahayman commented 2 years ago

I subscribed to iVim Pro in order to clone a repo from Github (a private one of mine). Couldn’t get it to work:

terrychou commented 2 years ago

1) the "Cred Type" switching problem

This is a UI issue started appearing in i(Pad)OS 15. I have fixed it in version 2.43 (it's also been released in the App Store), updating it will solve this problem.

2) use GitHub username & password

Yes, GitHub has stopped supporting to use username and password in third-party apps. However, you can create a personal access token (Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens) and use the token in place of the password.

Thanks for the reporting and sorry for the inconvenience.

ahayman commented 2 years ago

Updating fixed the "Cred Type" switching problem.

I still couldn't access my repo using ssh. I tried both creating files for the pub/private keys, and manually pasting the data in. Neither worked. I tried the same keys on my Mac without issue. Also, iVim doesn't seem to support the ssh url. I tried both git@github.com... and git+ssh://git@github.com..., but both came up as unsupported. When I tried to use the https url with the keys, iVim says "cloning..." but never finished. I waited twenty minutes before closing it out.

Using a personal access token did work (and cloned immediately). So I can access my repo now (yay!). Using SSH keys seem to be broken though.

terrychou commented 2 years ago

Yes, you are right. The current backing libgit2 library in iVim fails to include the SSH support. I will look into this.

terrychou commented 2 years ago

The version 2.44 fixes the SSH problem and is available in the App Store.

And this is the wiki page on the format of the SSH URLs: https://github.com/terrychou/iVim/wiki/Format-of-URL-using-SSH-in-version-control