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How do I find the path to directories in the cloud? #238

Closed EricEWeir closed 2 years ago

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

I need to give a plugin (vimwiki) access to a directory in the cloud. The iexdir version won't do. I need to give the actual physical address. I’m not sure how to find it.

With a lot of trial-and-error floundering around my best guess is ~/com~apple~CloudDocs/vimfiles/vimwiki, but that doesn’t work. When I navigate to the /vimfiles directory in netrw the /vimwiki directory is whited out. I can’t enter it.

Help appreciated.


EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

Using the MacVim menus I was able to find it; ~/librarymobile documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/.