terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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Delete directories? #239

Closed EricEWeir closed 2 years ago

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

When I attempt to delete an iVim directory, at least in /.vim, I get “unable to delete directory.” Is there a way?

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

Or, if not delete a directory, how to disable a plugin?

sedm0784 commented 2 years ago

netrw won't let you delete a directory unless it's completely empty, so you need to delete all its contents first.

If you're comfortable with the command line, it's likely quicker to do this by running an rm command via :term, which allows you to remove everything in one go. (But if you're not already comfortable with the command line, this might not be the best place to start learning it.)

EricEWeir commented 2 years ago

My initial move away from Windows, before moving on to MacOS, was Linux. I got pretty comfortable with the terminal there. Didn't think of that option, but was able to delete the directory in the Files app.