terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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Crashes and Loses File #246

Open tokyojimu opened 1 year ago

tokyojimu commented 1 year ago

Since the most recent update, it is crashing a lot (it never did before), and when it does, the current buffer is gone and I have to reload it. I paid for the auto restore option, and it always worked great until now. Thanks.

terrychou commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting.

When does usually the crashing happen (e.g. during editing)?

Which device are you using? And the system version?

It would be great if a way to re-produce this issue could be provided.

tokyojimu commented 1 year ago

Sorry. I should have given more details. It happens when I return to the program, presumably after it’s been jettisoned (but not every time). Running 15.6 now, and whatever was before that.

terrychou commented 1 year ago

Would you like to help with the TestFlight version? In that way, you can report the details easily when after a crashing, and the cause would be identified faster. If yes, please drop me an email address so that I send you an invitation.

tokyojimu commented 1 year ago

Sure, I can help. Will email you.