terrychou / iVim

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Informing an app about link to iCloud Drive #247

Open EricEWeir opened 1 year ago

EricEWeir commented 1 year ago

I have used :iexdir to create a link to a directory in iCloud Drive. My hope was that I would be able to synchronize directories between my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook.

In particular, I wanted to synchronize files created with the wiki.vim plugin. It requires that that path from iVim to iCloud Drive be placed in my .vimrc. I have been unsuccessful in identifying the correct path.

At one point I thought I had found it navigating into iVim system files in netrw, specifically in ~/library/ivim/externaldirs/bookmarks//private/var/mobile/767B00F4-A6D5-4B01-A62F-F217523BD92B/origin/, which contained the following path: “~/private/var/mobile/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/vimfiles. With this path in my .vimrc, however, wiki.vim saved files in directories other than those specified by the path.

I assume that links to external directories created with :iexdir are recorded as a path somewhere. Is that the case? If so is it possible to get access to it?