terrychou / iVim

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Themes possible with :iplug? #257

Closed bencodes07 closed 1 year ago

bencodes07 commented 1 year ago


I was planning to get the plugin manager but I have one question before I do so. Is it possible to install themes? The theme I am wanting to install is NeoSolarized.

Thanks in advance!

P.S.: Do nvim plugins also work with :iplug?

terrychou commented 1 year ago

Yes, the plugins manager iplug also supports installing color schemes like other plugins. See ":help :iplug" for some details and examples.

As to nvim plugins, it depends. A plugin may probably work if iVim meets its requirements (due to limitations in iVim, even not all vim plugins work, e.g. it may need a third-party tool installed). However, if the plugin requires certain feature that is only available in nvim, then it may not work.

bencodes07 commented 1 year ago

Thanks mate that helps! Have a good one