terrychou / iVim

A vim port to iOS.
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Copy and paste into iVim #261

Open grymmjack opened 1 year ago

grymmjack commented 1 year ago

In normal mode "*p In command mode press CTRL-r then *

why I wrote this: I was trying to paste a GitHub repo url into :iplug add

Maybe add to FAQ/ if not already there and I missed it.

sedm0784 commented 1 year ago

This isn't specific to iVim (although I agree it wouldn't hurt to add an entry to the wiki explaining that iVim supports Vim's usual clipboard mechanisms).

It's documented in a bunch of places in the user and reference manuals, but the clearest is probably at :help 04.7 (From the fourth paragraph onwards, starting with the below.)

If you are not using the GUI, or if you don't like using a menu, you have to use another way. You use the normal "y" (yank) and "p" (put) commands, but prepend "* (double-quote star) before it. To copy a line to the clipboard:

See also #253.