terryky / tflite_gles_app

GPU accelerated deep learning inference applications for RaspberryPi / JetsonNano / Linux PC using TensorflowLite GPUDelegate / TensorRT
MIT License
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Cannot reproduce posnet with GPU Delegate V2 on Devboard #4

Closed AlexTraan closed 4 years ago

AlexTraan commented 4 years ago

Hi Terryky san,

Thank you for your value repository.

I am trying to reproduce Posenet with GPU Delegate V2 on Devboard, but faced error when build app as below: "/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /home/mendel/work/static_lib/aarch64/libtensorflowlite_gpu_delegate.so when searching for -ltensorflowlite_gpu_delegate /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltensorflowlite_gpu_delegate"

i put cross-compile tensorflowlite_gpu_deleage.so to /home/mendel/work/static_lib/aarch64.

After googled, i guess the problem come from libtensorflowlite_gpu_delegate.so not suitable build for Devboard.

This "bazel build -s -c opt --copt="-DMESA_EGL_NO_X11_HEADERS" tensorflow/lite/delegates/gpu:libtensorflowlite_gpu_delegate.so 2>&1 | tee -a log_build_delegate.txt" build command not include target option for devboard aarch64, is this OK?

Can you give me any advice?

terryky commented 4 years ago

For aarch64, follow the steps in this section

terryky commented 4 years ago

Please reopen if problem still exists.