terryky / tflite_gles_app

GPU accelerated deep learning inference applications for RaspberryPi / JetsonNano / Linux PC using TensorflowLite GPUDelegate / TensorRT
MIT License
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[Posenet run inference on CPU, without GPU delegate] Abnormal display #5

Closed AlexTraan closed 4 years ago

AlexTraan commented 4 years ago

Hi Terry san,

I can build to gl2posenet binary file, but when run it, abnormal display as uploaded image.

can you advice anything to me?


terryky commented 4 years ago

What is your target environment ?

AlexTraan commented 4 years ago

My target is Devboard

terryky commented 4 years ago

You may be able to get workaround this issue by adding the following code at the end of main.c. However, I won't/can't support coral devboard because it's OpenGLES/OpenCL seems buggy.

        draw_dbgstr (strbuf, 10, 10);
+        {
+            unsigned int val;
+            glReadPixels (0, 0, 1, 1, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &val);
+        }
    return 0;
terryky commented 4 years ago

Please reopen if problem still exists.