terryma / vim-smooth-scroll

Make scrolling in Vim more pleasant
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zz with smooth scroll #16

Open pablospe opened 8 years ago

pablospe commented 8 years ago

A possible improvement would be to apply the same smooth scrolling to the zz, zt, zb. How could this be implemented?

gwatcha commented 5 years ago

Plop this in your .vimrc! Just change your scrolling settings This works for folds as well, that's why I count line numbers with normal k and normal j

"Smooth scroll {
    nnoremap <silent> <c-u> :call smooth_scroll#up(&scroll, 5, 2)<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> <c-d> :call smooth_scroll#down(&scroll, 5, 2)<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> <c-b> :call smooth_scroll#up(&scroll*2, 3, 4)<CR>
    nnoremap <silent> <c-f> :call smooth_scroll#down(&scroll*2, 3, 4)<CR>

    " Change these to your scrolling settings
    let g:smooth_scroll_duration = 3
    let g:smooth_scroll_speed = 4

    " Extra Smooth scrolling {
        nnoremap <silent> zz :call Smoothzz()<CR>
        function! Smoothzz()
            let s:origLine = line(".")
            let s:origCurs = col(".")
            let s:absTop = line("w0")

            " count visble difference to top
            let s:visTopDif = 0
            while (line('.') > s:absTop )  
                normal 1k
                let s:visTopDif = s:visTopDif + 1

            let s:visCenter = winheight(".") /2
            let s:visDifToCenter = s:visCenter - s:visTopDif

            if (s:visDifToCenter > 0)  "scroll up by the #visiblelines & return
                let s:arglist = [s:visDifToCenter, g:smooth_scroll_duration, g:smooth_scroll_speed] 
                call call(function('smooth_scroll#up'), s:arglist)
                let s:arglist = [s:visDifToCenter*-1, g:smooth_scroll_duration, g:smooth_scroll_speed] 
                call call(function('smooth_scroll#down'), s:arglist)
            call cursor(s:origLine, s:origCurs)

        nnoremap <silent> zt :call Smoothzt()<CR>
        function! Smoothzt()
            let s:curLine = line(".")
            let s:curCurs = col(".")
            let s:absTop =  line("w0") 
            let s:visTopDif = 0
            while (line('.') > s:absTop )  
                normal 1k
                let s:visTopDif = s:visTopDif + 1
            let s:arglist = [s:visTopDif+3, g:smooth_scroll_duration, g:smooth_scroll_speed] 
            call call(function('smooth_scroll#down'), s:arglist)
            call cursor(s:curLine, s:curCurs)

        nnoremap <silent> zb :call Smoothzb()<CR>
        function! Smoothzb()
            let s:curLine = line(".")
            let s:curCurs = col(".")
            let s:absTop =  line("w0") 
            let s:visTopDif = 0

            " counts difference to top
            while (line('.') > s:absTop )  
                normal 1k
                let s:visTopDif = (s:visTopDif + 1)

            let s:visBotDif = winheight(".") - s:visTopDif
            let s:arglist = [s:visBotDif+3, g:smooth_scroll_duration, g:smooth_scroll_speed] 
            call call(function('smooth_scroll#up'), s:arglist)
            call cursor(s:curLine, s:curCurs)
blasco commented 5 years ago

@Gwatcha solution works great! it would be cool to merge it into the plugin