terrymun / Fluidbox

Replicating and improving the lightbox module seen on Medium with fluid transitions.
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It doesn't work within a container. #197

Closed dpw1 closed 6 years ago

dpw1 commented 6 years ago

This following image is within a div.container.


When I click on it, it looks like this:


It is blocked by the parent. What can I do?

terrymun commented 6 years ago

That's because you've created a new stacking context with the parent: please read the precautions section in the readme.

Also, helps to include a code snippet (such as a link to JSfiddle) where you can actually reproduce the issue, if you want somebody else to troubleshoot your setup.

dpw1 commented 6 years ago

Ugh. People who don't read documentations! hahaha no, but really, I'm sorry. I will provide a fiddle with this issue. Thank you for your readiness.

dpw1 commented 6 years ago

It was just a overflow:hidden; that I had added on the parent and forgot about it. Thanks!

terrymun commented 6 years ago

@dpw1 It happens—glad to know the readme covers most bases :)