terrywang / vagrantboxes

Handcrafted Arch Linux Vagrant base box with :heart:
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Archlinux box fails to update due to libxfont and srm #30

Closed hak8or closed 6 years ago

hak8or commented 6 years ago

It seems that the state of the arch packages in your box has some issues regarding doing a full system upgrade due to libxfont.

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
yaourt -Syua --noconfirm

vagrant@archlinux:~$ yaourt -Syua --noconfirm
:: Synchronizing package databases...
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 community is up to date
 archlinuxfr is up to date
 Foreign packages: | 20 / 20

==> Package upgrade only (new release):
core/binutils                    2.29.1-1             1 -> 2
core/bzip2                       1.0.6-6              6 -> 7
core/glibc                       2.26-5               5 -> 11
core/grub                        2:2.02-3             3 -> 4
core/iptables                    1.6.1-1              1 -> 2
core/ldns                        1.7.0-3              3 -> 4
core/libsasl                     2.1.26-11            11 -> 12
core/libseccomp                  2.3.2-1              1 -> 2
core/libtirpc                    1.0.2-1              1 -> 3
core/libtool                     2.4.6+40+g6ca5e224-1 1 -> 4
core/openssh                     7.6p1-1              1 -> 2
core/perl                        5.26.1-1             1 -> 2
core/procps-ng                   3.3.12-1             1 -> 2
core/rpcbind                     0.2.4-3              3 -> 4
core/shadow                      4.5-2                2 -> 4
extra/libice                     1.0.9-1              1 -> 2
extra/libxau                     1.0.8-2              2 -> 3
extra/libxdamage                 1.1.4-2              2 -> 3
extra/libxfixes                  5.0.3-1              1 -> 2
extra/libxrandr                  1.5.1-1              1 -> 2
extra/python2                    2.7.14-1             1 -> 2
extra/zsh                        5.4.2-1              1 -> 2
community/glances                2.11.1-1             1 -> 2
community/schedtool              1.3.0-3              3 -> 4
community/tmux                   2.6-1                1 -> 2
aur/srm                          1.2.15-1             1 -> 2

==> Software upgrade (new version) :
core/archlinux-keyring           20171020-1           -> 20180108-1
core/bash                        4.4.012-2            -> 4.4.018-1
core/btrfs-progs                 4.13-1               -> 4.15-1
core/ca-certificates-mozilla     3.33-2               -> 3.35-1
core/coreutils                   8.28-1               -> 8.29-1
core/cryptsetup                  1.7.5-1              -> 2.0.1-1
core/curl                        7.56.1-1             -> 7.58.0-1
core/dbus                        1.12.0-1             -> 1.12.4-1
core/device-mapper               2.02.175-1           -> 2.02.177-1
core/e2fsprogs                   1.43.7-1             -> 1.43.9-1
core/expat                       2.2.4-1              -> 2.2.5-1
core/filesystem                  2017.03-2            -> 2017.10-2
core/gawk                        4.1.4-2              -> 4.2.0-3
core/gcc                         7.2.0-3              -> 7.3.0-1
core/gcc-libs                    7.2.0-3              -> 7.3.0-1
core/gdbm                        1.13-1               -> 1.14.1-1
core/glib2                       2.54.2-2             -> 2.54.3+2+g94b38beff-1
core/gnupg                       2.2.1-1              -> 2.2.4-2
core/gnutls                      3.5.16-1             -> 3.5.17-1
core/gpgme                       1.9.0-3              -> 1.10.0-1
core/gzip                        1.8-2                -> 1.9-1
core/hwids                       20170715-1           -> 20171003-1
core/iana-etc                    20170824-1           -> 20180131-1
core/icu                         59.1-2               -> 60.2-1
core/iproute2                    4.13.0-1             -> 4.15.0-1
core/json-c                      0.12.1-1             -> 0.13-1
core/krb5                        1.15.2-1             -> 1.16-1
core/libassuan                   2.4.3-1              -> 2.5.1-1
core/libgcrypt                   1.8.1-1              -> 1.8.2-1
core/libmpc                      1.0.3-2              -> 1.1.0-1
core/libnftnl                    1.0.7-1              -> 1.0.9-1
core/libnghttp2                  1.23.1-1             -> 1.29.0-1
core/libpipeline                 1.4.2-1              -> 1.5.0-1
core/libpsl                      0.18.0-1             -> 0.19.1-1
core/libsystemd                  235.38-1             -> 237.31-1
core/libtasn1                    4.12-2               -> 4.13-1
core/libunistring                0.9.7-1              -> 0.9.8-1
core/libutil-linux               2.31-1               -> 2.31.1-1
core/linux                       4.13.11-1            -> 4.15.3-1
core/linux-api-headers           4.12.7-1             -> 4.14.8-1
core/linux-firmware              20171009.bf04291-1   -> 20180119.2a713be-1
core/linux-headers               4.13.11-1            -> 4.15.3-1
core/logrotate                   3.12.3-1             -> 3.13.0-1
core/lvm2                        2.02.175-1           -> 2.02.177-1
core/lz4                         1:1.8.0-1            -> 1:
core/man-db                        -> 2.8.1-1
core/man-pages                   4.13-1               -> 4.15-1
core/mpfr                        3.1.5.p2-1           -> 4.0.0-1
core/nano                        2.8.7-1              -> 2.9.3-1
core/netctl                      1.14-1               -> 1.15-1
core/nettle                      3.3-1                -> 3.4-1
core/nfsidmap                    0.26-1               -> 2.3.1-1
core/nfs-utils                   2.1.1-4              -> 2.3.1-1
core/pacman-mirrorlist           20171027-1           -> 20180203-1
core/patch                       2.7.5-1              -> 2.7.6-1
core/pciutils                    3.5.5-1              -> 3.5.6-1
core/pinentry                    1.0.0-1              -> 1.1.0-1
core/reiserfsprogs               3.6.25-1             -> 3.6.27-1
core/run-parts                   4.8.1-1              -> 4.8.3-1
core/s-nail                      14.9.5-1             -> 14.9.6-1
core/sqlite                      3.21.0-1             -> 3.22.0-1
core/sudo                        1.8.21.p2-1          -> 1.8.22-1
core/systemd                     235.38-1             -> 237.31-1
core/systemd-sysvcompat          235.38-1             -> 237.31-1
core/tar                         1.29-2               -> 1.30-1
core/thin-provisioning-tools     0.7.4-1              -> 0.7.5-1
core/tzdata                      2017c-1              -> 2018c-1
core/usbutils                    008-1                -> 009-1
core/util-linux                  2.31-1               -> 2.31.1-1
core/xfsprogs                    4.12.0-1             -> 4.14.0-1
extra/bind-tools                 9.11.2-2             -> 9.12.0-1
extra/dkms                       2.4.0-2              -> 2.5-1
extra/ethtool                    1:4.13-1             -> 1:4.15-1
extra/expect                     5.45-4               -> 5.45.3-1
extra/fontconfig                 2.12.6-1             -> 2.12.6+5+g665584a-1
extra/freetype2                  2.8.1-1              -> 2.9-2
extra/fuse3                      3.2.0-1              -> 3.2.1-1
extra/fuse-common                3.2.0-1              -> 3.2.1-1
extra/gdb                        8.0.1-1              -> 8.1-1
extra/gdb-common                 8.0.1-1              -> 8.1-1
extra/geoip-database             20171007-1           -> 20180206-1
extra/git                        2.15.0-1             -> 2.16.1-1
extra/guile                      2.2.2-1              -> 2.2.3-1
extra/harfbuzz                   1.6.3-1              -> 1.7.5-1
extra/htop                       2.0.2-2              -> 2.1.0-1
extra/libatomic_ops              7.4.6-1              -> 7.6.2-1
extra/libdrm                     2.4.87-1             -> 2.4.89-1
extra/libevdev                   1.5.7-1              -> 1.5.8-1
extra/libglvnd                   0.2.999+g4ba53457-2  -> 1.0.0-1
extra/libinput                   1.9.1-1              -> 1.9.4-1
extra/libnetfilter_queue         1.0.2-2              -> 1.0.3-1
extra/libwacom                   0.24-1               -> 0.27-1
extra/libxfont2                  2.0.2-1              -> 2.0.3-1
extra/libxml2                    2.9.5+6+g07e227ed-1  -> 2.9.7+4+g72182550-2
extra/llvm-libs                  5.0.0-1              -> 5.0.1-2
extra/mesa                       17.2.4-1             -> 17.3.3-2
extra/nftables                   1:0.7-3              -> 1:0.8.2-1
extra/python                     3.6.3-1              -> 3.6.4-2
extra/python-setuptools          1:36.6.0-1           -> 1:38.5.1-1
extra/recode                     3.6-10               -> 3.7-1
extra/rsync                      3.1.2-8              -> 3.1.3-1
extra/ruby                       2.4.2-1              -> 2.5.0-4
extra/strace                     4.19-1               -> 4.20-1
extra/tcl                        8.6.7-1              -> 8.6.8-1
extra/vim                        8.0.1272-1           -> 8.0.1476-1
extra/vim-runtime                8.0.1272-1           -> 8.0.1476-1
extra/wget                       1.19.2-1             -> 1.19.4-1
extra/whois                      5.2.18-1             -> 5.2.20-1
extra/xkeyboard-config           2.22-1               -> 2.23.1-2
extra/xorg-bdftopcf              1.0.5-1              -> 1.1-1
extra/xorg-server                1.19.5-1             -> 1.19.6+13+gd0d1a694f-1
extra/xorg-server-common         1.19.5-1             -> 1.19.6+13+gd0d1a694f-1
community/ack                    2.18-3               -> 2.22-1
community/aria2                  1.33.0-1             -> 1.33.1-1
community/dd_rescue              1.99.5-1             -> 1.99.8-1
community/fortune-mod            1.99.1-6             -> 1.99.5-1
community/hwinfo                 21.38-1              -> 21.50-1
community/inxi                   2.3.43-1             -> 2.3.56-1
community/libconfig              1.6-2                -> 1.7.2-1
community/libmicrohttpd          0.9.55-1             -> 0.9.59-1
community/lynis                  2.5.7-1              -> 2.6.1-1
community/moreutils              0.61-1               -> 0.62-1
community/ncdu                   1.12-1               -> 1.13-1
community/ngrep                  1.45-12              -> 1.47-1
community/oniguruma              6.6.1-1              -> 6.7.1-1
community/python-psutil          5.4.0-1              -> 5.4.3-1
community/ranger                 1.8.1-1              -> 1.9.0-1
community/ripgrep                0.7.1-1              -> 0.8.0-1
community/sslh                   1.18-3               -> 1.19c-1
community/sysstat                11.4.6-1             -> 11.6.2-1
community/tig                    2.3.0-1              -> 2.3.2-1
community/vifm                   0.9-1                -> 0.9.1-1
community/virtualbox-guest-dkms  5.2.0-1              -> 5.2.6-2
community/virtualbox-guest-utils 5.2.0-1              -> 5.2.6-2
aur/entr                         3.9-1                -> 4.0-1
aur/makeself                     2.3.0-2              -> 2.3.1-0

==> New package :
core/argon2                      20171227-3           (required by cryptsetup)
core/libidn2                     2.0.4-2              (required by libpsl)
core/zstd                        1.3.3-1              (required by btrfs-progs)

The resulting issue:

==> Continue upgrade ? [Y/n]
==> [V]iew package detail   [M]anually select packages
==> --------------------------------------------------
==> :: Starting full system upgrade...
:: Replace compositeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace damageproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace fixesproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace fontsproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace kbproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace randrproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace renderproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xextproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xf86vidmodeproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
:: Replace xproto with extra/xorgproto? [Y/n]
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: libxfont: removing fontsproto breaks dependency 'fontsproto>=2.1.3'

Also, it seems that srm fails to build with

==> Continue building srm ? [Y/n]
==> -----------------------------

==> Building and installing package
==> Making package: srm 1.2.15-2 (Wed Feb 14 16:00:43 AEDT 2018)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Downloading srm-1.2.15.tar.gz...
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100   652  100   652    0     0   2608      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  2608
==> Validating source files with sha512sums...
    srm-1.2.15.tar.gz ... FAILED
==> ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!
==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build srm.
==> Restart building srm ? [y/N]
==> ----------------------------

I am not clear on what srm, libxfont, and fontsproto are for, but it seems they are blocking the user from being able to do a good ole yaourt -Syua.

terrywang commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting.

libxfont is orphaned package, not sure when / why was is installed, most likely as dependency.

root@archlinux:~# pacman -Qdt
libxfont 1.5.3-1
xf86-input-evdev 2.10.5-1
xorg-server 1.19.6-2

Simply remove the package pacman -Rsc libxfont and you'll be good rolling ;-)