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2022.44.2 doesn’t recognize Alcatel IK41UC lte modem #114

Closed electricAntEater32 closed 1 year ago

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

2022.44.2 doesn’t recognize Alcatel IK41UC lte modem. Car is in California, USA. Lte modem works fine on my windows machine. If this is hard to debug due to hardware being restricted to North America, I’m happy to help debug. Might need a few pointers / tips as my past was with Linux Os and this is my first Android OS experience.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

Could you install adb on your computer and execute the following:

adb shell lsusb ifconfig

Post the output here and we'll get it sorted. The European equivalent of this modem works perfectly fine for me without any modifications on Android. Maybe there is a way to switch its operating mode or update the firmware? If the usb device identifiers tell me something useful I'll make a fix for you.

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

@mikegapinski thanks. Here is the output. I only had Alcatel plugged in , no carlinkit dongle.

rpi4:/ $ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Bus 001 Device 003: ID 1bbb:00b6 Bus 001 Device 002: ID 2109:3431 Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003

rpi4:/ $ ifconfig lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope: Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

dummy0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr aa:2c:d8:60:af:2b inet6 addr: fe80::a82c:d8ff:fe60:af2b/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING NOARP MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:560

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e4:5f:01:ad:b6:1f Driver bcmgenet UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e4:5f:01:ad:b6:20 Driver brcmfmac inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::e65f:1ff:fead:b620/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:1048

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

I've come across two USA users on Tesla Motors user forum who have the Alcatel (same version) and it works without issue for them. Oneperson uses the AT&T cellular network & the other uses the Tello network. Myself and another fellow are using Tello which uses T-Mobile USA network. So it seems the modem can work. The person who has no issues and uses same network (Tello) as myself did not mention the need to perform any special install steps. It seemed plug n playoff them.

The other person using Tello who has problems like me said they had to enter an APN value in Windows before the modem would work. I don't recall setting an APN and am using Windows 10. Perhaps we need the ability to set APN in Tesla-android?

Here is info I found on Tello's www site: On an Android device, you can check and adjust your APN settings in the following location: Settings Tap More networks (under the Connections tab, or More, Wireless & networks, Wireless Controls, Wireless Manager, Phone Information). Select Mobile or Cellular networks. Choose Access Point Names. Tap the Menu icon. Tap the Access Point you would like to check. If you're adding a new APN, tap New APN and enter the following APN: wholesale Save the APN, restart the device, and test the service.

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

Also just noticed when I connect my Alcatel in to windows, trello, the mobile provider, is using IPv6. If I force IPv4 as only option in Windows then there is no data connection. Just in case this is a clue.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

The modem configuration is handled on the web panel, at 192.xxx.xxx.xxx, there you can configure the APNs and operation mode of the modem.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

I am having the same problem. I tried to access the ip address that is on the Alcatel modem instruction sheet - - but the address is not found. Is there a way to find the address that the modem is using? Thank you.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago


There might be two revisions of the modem, I'll try to figure out what is going on :)

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago


There might be two revisions of the modem, I'll try to figure out what is going on :)

Thank you. Really appreciate all of your work on this great project.

If the problem cannot be found, the idea that was on the forum you attached to your message "to be able to set all APN settings options on the config file or another file that is accessible on the same folder/directory" could be a good way to resolve the problem for those who are having it.

Thank you again.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

Since the modems vary in hardware configuration my buying this piece of hardware might actually result in getting the "good one" and not being able to help.

I'll try to figure something out and share a few commands with you to test...

Wild guess... Did anyone try this app: https://m.apkpure.com/pl/link-key-manager/com.tcl.link.keymanager Link Key Manager sounds promising to me ;)

The dongles support firmware updates also, maybe the newer one working in Android out of the box. Don't know how to get them updated

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Since the modems vary in hardware configuration my buying this piece of hardware might actually result in getting the "good one" and not being able to help.

I'll try to figure something out and share a few commands with you to test...

Wild guess... Did anyone try this app: https://m.apkpure.com/pl/link-key-manager/com.tcl.link.keymanager Link Key Manager sounds promising to me ;)

The dongles support firmware updates also, maybe the newer one working in Android out of the box. Don't know how to get them updated

Thank You!

I will be glad to test the app "Link Key Manager" but not sure how to install on Tesla Android?

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

Connect your Tesla Android to your home router with Ethernet. Connect to the Wi-Fi broadcasted by the Pi. Navigate to Using Android browser open the apkpure link or install the app using the included Aurora App Store

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago


Tried but the app is not in Aurora App Store and the link above did not work on Tesla Android web browser - it says "Webpage Not Available" ERR_UNKNOWN_URL_Scheme.

I was able to download to my PC how do I go from there?

Thank you!

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

I downloaded to Mac, put xapk file on USB flash stick, inserted stick in pi. I got ZArchiver from Aurora because it can install xapk I read. I have never used it. However, zArchiver stalls after it starts the install process 😔

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

hmm, I'll get the regular APK for you guys somehow.

Another wild guess. If anyone has an Android 12/13 device at hand. Plug it in with a USB-C -> A dongle and see if you can change APN settings for the dongle in the Android settings app. I might have disabled that in Tesla Android since there was no use for it. Remember to take the SIM card out of the phone first.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

hmm, I'll get the regular APK for you guys somehow.

Another wild guess. If anyone has an Android 12/13 device at hand. Plug it in with a USB-C -> A dongle and see if you can change APN settings for the dongle in the Android settings app. I might have disabled that in Tesla Android since there was no use for it. Remember to take the SIM card out of the phone first.

Thank you. I saw that the apk is also in Google Play but I cannot get it downloaded because of the other issue reported with not being able to login to microG services. I tried the solution that someone posted on that thread but it did not work for me. I do not have a Android phone so can't help with that testing scenario.

I also previously tried to set it on the Tesla Android but as you mentioned it is disabled. If you could enable on Tesla Android settings to be able set the APN that could be a solution but not sure how the Android setting see the modem (does it see it the same way as an internal phone sim)?

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

One more request.

Could you send me the output of: adb root adb shell dmesg adb logcat adb shell followed by su followed by ifconfig -a

I just got USB tethering to work for Android phones with iOS to follow. I might need to enable a driver for your dongle, maybe. Another wild guess

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

here is the adb shell dmesg:


MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

here is the ifconfig -a

rpi4:/ # ifconfig -a lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope: Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

dummy0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 7a:72:59:3a:4e:8c inet6 addr: fe80::7872:59ff:fe3a:4e8c/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING NOARP MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:630

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e4:5f:01:db:17:4f Driver bcmgenet UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

ip_vti0 Link encap:UNSPEC NOARP MTU:1480 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

ip6_vti0 Link encap:UNSPEC NOARP MTU:1332 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

ip6tnl0 Link encap:UNSPEC NOARP MTU:1452 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e4:5f:01:db:17:50 Driver brcmfmac inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::e65f:1ff:fedb:1750/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:1048

rpi4:/ #

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Here is the abd logcat had to limit output given github limit on posting:

11-01 06:56:24.544 706 706 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture|1|null|1000 11-01 06:56:24.544 558 681 W InputDispatcher: 350c9fa Taskbar has FLAG_SLIPPERY. Please report this in b/157929241 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: Tried to access visual service WindowManager from a non-visual Context:android.app.Application@a98d7d4 WindowManager should be accessed from Activity or other visual Context. Use an Activity or a Context created with Context#createWindowContext(int, Bundle), which are adjusted to the configuration and visual bounds of an area on screen. 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Tried to access visual service WindowManager from a non-visual Context:android.app.Application@a98d7d4 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.app.ContextImpl.getSystemService(ContextImpl.java:2075) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.content.ContextWrapper.getSystemService(ContextWrapper.java:857) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.content.Context.getSystemService(Context.java:3936) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarActivityContext.(TaskbarActivityContext.java:149) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarManager.recreateTaskbar(TaskbarManager.java:228) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.taskbar.TaskbarManager.onDisplayInfoChanged(TaskbarManager.java:142) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.util.DisplayController.notifyChange(DisplayController.java:289) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.util.DisplayController.lambda$handleInfoChange$0$DisplayController(DisplayController.java:280) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.util.DisplayController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.run(Unknown Source:6) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.util.LooperExecutor.execute(LooperExecutor.java:45) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.util.DisplayController.handleInfoChange(DisplayController.java:280) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.launcher3.util.DisplayController.onConfigurationChanged(DisplayController.java:205) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.content.ComponentCallbacksController.lambda$dispatchConfigurationChanged$0(ComponentCallbacksController.java:91) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.content.ComponentCallbacksController$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1.accept(Unknown Source:4) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.content.ComponentCallbacksController.forAllComponentCallbacks(ComponentCallbacksController.java:124) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.content.ComponentCallbacksController.dispatchConfigurationChanged(ComponentCallbacksController.java:91) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.window.WindowContext.dispatchConfigurationChanged(WindowContext.java:139) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.window.WindowTokenClient.onConfigurationChanged(WindowTokenClient.java:229) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.window.WindowTokenClient.lambda$onConfigurationChanged$1$WindowTokenClient(WindowTokenClient.java:191) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.window.WindowTokenClient$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2.run(Unknown Source:6) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:201) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:288) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7870) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:548) 11-01 06:56:24.544 1050 1050 E ContextImpl: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1003) 11-01 06:56:24.545 706 706 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture|1|null|1000 11-01 06:56:24.551 706 976 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture 11-01 06:56:24.561 1050 1050 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 11-01 06:56:24.569 706 706 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture|1|null|1000 11-01 06:56:24.570 706 706 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture|1|null|1000 11-01 06:56:24.571 706 976 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture 11-01 06:56:24.572 1050 1050 E libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted 11-01 06:56:24.574 386 386 D Zygote : Forked child process 1886 11-01 06:56:24.606 558 585 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 77ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote! 11-01 06:56:24.607 558 585 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats 11-01 06:56:24.607 558 585 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message 11-01 06:56:24.607 558 585 I ActivityManager: Start proc 1886:com.android.externalstorage/u0a26 for broadcast {com.android.externalstorage/com.android.externalstorage.MountReceiver} 11-01 06:56:24.607 558 585 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 78ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map 11-01 06:56:24.613 558 585 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 84ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map 11-01 06:56:24.613 1886 1886 I Zygote : seccomp disabled by setenforce 0 11-01 06:56:24.655 1515 1515 I tesla-android-v: type=1400 audit(0.0:303): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/dri/renderD128" dev="tmpfs" ino=488 ioctlcmd=0x6409 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:gpu_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 01-01 00:01:01.215 0 0 W audit : audit_lost=185 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64 01-01 00:01:01.215 0 0 E audit : rate limit exceeded 11-01 06:56:24.684 457 499 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1886 11-01 06:56:24.730 558 1778 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10026; state: DISABLED 11-01 06:56:24.751 1886 1886 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10026; state: ENABLED 11-01 06:56:24.832 706 706 D StatusBar: Received new disable state. Old: enaihbcrso.qingr | New: enaihbcrso.qingr 11-01 06:56:24.836 1886 1886 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'com.android.externalstorage' set to: 'default' 11-01 06:56:24.837 1886 1886 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for com.android.externalstorage: false 11-01 06:56:24.837 1886 1886 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported. 11-01 06:56:24.840 1886 1886 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-01 06:56:24.840 1886 1886 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default 11-01 06:56:24.867 1886 1886 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots 11-01 06:56:24.879 1886 1886 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots 11-01 06:56:24.883 558 681 I ActivityManager: Killing 1449:com.android.music/u0a55 (adj 975): empty #17 11-01 06:56:24.926 558 586 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10055 pid 1449 in 41ms 11-01 06:56:24.946 706 994 V PerfettoTrigger: Not triggering com.android.telemetry.interaction-jank-monitor-13 - not enough time since last trigger 11-01 06:56:24.949 386 386 I Zygote : Process 1449 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-01 06:56:24.956 688 688 V MediaPlayerList: onActiveSessionsChanged: number of controllers: 0 11-01 06:56:24.977 688 688 V MediaPlayerList: onActiveSessionsChanged: number of controllers: 0 11-01 06:56:24.983 688 688 V MediaPlayerList: onActiveSessionsChanged: number of controllers: 1 11-01 06:56:24.985 688 688 D MediaPlayerList: onActiveSessionsChanged: controller: cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox 11-01 06:56:24.992 558 608 W ActivityTaskManager: Request to remove task ignored for non-existent task 14 11-01 06:56:25.009 688 688 I MediaPlayerList: Adding wrapped media player: cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox at key: 1 11-01 06:56:25.064 1220 1527 I MediaProvider: Begin Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/emulated/0 flg=0x5000010 cmp=com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.MediaService (has extras) } 11-01 06:56:25.065 1220 1527 I MediaProvider: Volume MediaVolume name: [external_primary] id: [emulated;0] user: [UserHandle{0}] path: [/storage/emulated/0] already attached 11-01 06:56:25.065 1220 1527 I MediaProvider: End Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/emulated/0 flg=0x5000010 cmp=com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.MediaService (has extras) } 11-01 06:56:25.068 558 579 I WindowManager: Screen frozen for +1s683ms due to Window{e0e067f u0 com.android.systemui.ImageWallpaper} 11-01 06:56:25.095 412 412 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:315): avc: denied { read write } for path=2F6D656D66643A73637265656E73686F7420726573657276656420726567696F6E202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=274 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_graphics_allocator_default_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 11-01 06:56:25.107 558 579 W ImageReader_JNI: Unable to acquire a buffer item, very likely client tried to acquire more than maxImages buffers 11-01 06:56:25.129 558 579 I LatencyTracker: ACTION_ROTATE_SCREEN latency=1744 11-01 06:56:25.159 1886 1886 D ExternalStorage: After updating volumes, found 1 active roots 11-01 06:56:25.167 412 412 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:316): avc: denied { read write } for path=2F6D656D66643A56696577526F6F74496D706C5B517569636B737465704C61756E636865725D233028424C41535420436F6E73756D6572293020726573657276656420726567696F6E202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=2420 scontext=u:r:hal_graphics_composer_default:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_graphics_allocator_default_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 11-01 06:56:25.214 706 706 D StatusBar: Received new disable state. Old: enaihbcrso.qingr | New: enaihbcrso.qingr 11-01 06:56:25.280 1220 1527 I MediaProvider: Begin Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/emulated/0 flg=0x5000010 cmp=com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.MediaService (has extras) } 11-01 06:56:25.280 1220 1527 I MediaProvider: Volume MediaVolume name: [external_primary] id: [emulated;0] user: [UserHandle{0}] path: [/storage/emulated/0] already attached 11-01 06:56:25.280 1220 1527 I MediaProvider: End Intent { act=android.intent.action.MEDIA_MOUNTED dat=file:///storage/emulated/0 flg=0x5000010 cmp=com.android.providers.media.module/com.android.providers.media.MediaService (has extras) } 11-01 06:56:25.284 1800 1800 I UsbDeviceDetachedReceiv: handling intent: Intent { act=android.hardware.usb.action.USB_DEVICE_DETACHED flg=0x1000010 cmp=org.fdroid.fdroid/.nearby.UsbDeviceDetachedReceiver (has extras) } 11-01 06:56:25.290 558 1867 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10027; state: DISABLED 11-01 06:56:25.351 558 1867 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all activities already finished 11-01 06:56:25.352 558 1867 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for r=ActivityRecord{a2ad016 u0 cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox/.Main1Activity t13 f}} 11-01 06:56:25.355 558 1867 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '497f046 cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox/cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox.Main1Activity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager! 11-01 06:56:25.362 558 579 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=13 attached=false 11-01 06:56:25.362 558 579 W ActivityTaskManager: Can't find TaskDisplayArea to determine support for multi window. Task id=13 attached=false 11-01 06:56:25.375 558 1778 W ActivityTaskManager: Finishing task with all activities already finished 11-01 06:56:25.375 558 1778 W ActivityTaskManager: Duplicate finish request for r=ActivityRecord{3cd3a4a u0 cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox/.Main1Activity t16 f}} 11-01 06:56:25.387 1379 1379 I send_g_open-0: type=1400 audit(0.0:317): avc: denied { read } for name="sdcard" dev="tmpfs" ino=32 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c82,c256,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:mnt_sdcard_file:s0 tclass=lnk_file permissive=1 app=cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox 11-01 06:56:25.427 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.429 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.430 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.432 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.433 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.438 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.438 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:25.439 1379 1390 W MediaPlayer-JNI: MediaPlayer finalized without being released 11-01 06:56:26.063 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb android 11-01 06:56:26.337 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb android.ext.services 11-01 06:56:26.375 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb android.ext.shared 11-01 06:56:26.385 558 608 I ActivityManager: Killing 1495:com.android.contacts/u0a53 (adj 975): empty #17 11-01 06:56:26.406 386 386 I Zygote : Process 1495 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-01 06:56:26.409 558 586 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10053 pid 1495 in 22ms 11-01 06:56:26.422 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.backupconfirm 11-01 06:56:26.538 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.bluetooth 11-01 06:56:26.581 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.cameraextensions 11-01 06:56:26.625 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.certinstaller 11-01 06:56:26.665 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.connectivity.resources 11-01 06:56:26.923 688 688 D AvrcpBrowsablePlayerConnector: Received a message: msg.what=2 11-01 06:56:26.923 688 688 V AvrcpBrowsablePlayerConnector: Timed out waiting for players 11-01 06:56:26.924 688 688 I AvrcpBrowsablePlayerConnector: Successfully connected to 0 browsable players. 11-01 06:56:26.924 688 688 I MediaPlayerList: init: Browsable Player list size is 0 11-01 06:56:26.924 688 688 D MediaPlayerList: Initializing list of current media players 11-01 06:56:26.925 688 688 D MediaPlayerList: Already have a controller for the player: cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox, updating instead 11-01 06:56:26.927 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.contacts 11-01 06:56:26.928 688 688 D MediaPlayerList: setActivePlayer(): setting player to cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox 11-01 06:56:26.932 688 688 D MediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate 11-01 06:56:26.932 688 688 I MediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate: Creating a one item queue for a player with no queue 11-01 06:56:26.932 688 688 D MediaPlayerList: sendMediaUpdate state=null 11-01 06:56:26.932 688 688 D AvrcpNativeInterface: sendMediaUpdate: metadata=true playStatus=false queue=true 11-01 06:56:26.932 688 688 D AvrcpTargetJni: sendMediaUpdateNative 11-01 06:56:26.933 688 688 I bt_stack: [INFO:avrcp_service.cc(402)] virtual void bluetooth::avrcp::AvrcpService::SendMediaUpdate(bool, bool, bool) track_changed=1 : play_state=0 : queue=1 11-01 06:56:26.964 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.cts.ctsshim 11-01 06:56:27.004 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.cts.priv.ctsshim 11-01 06:56:27.173 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.documentsui 11-01 06:56:27.217 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.dynsystem 11-01 06:56:27.278 558 578 I system_server: Explicit concurrent copying GC freed 115349(4682KB) AllocSpace objects, 13(308KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 9833KB/19MB, paused 258us,131us total 146.735ms 11-01 06:56:27.294 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.egg 11-01 06:56:27.333 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.externalstorage 11-01 06:56:27.387 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.hotspot2.osulogin 11-01 06:56:27.425 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.inputdevices 11-01 06:56:27.851 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.inputmethod.latin 11-01 06:56:27.942 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.keychain 11-01 06:56:27.980 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.localtransport 11-01 06:56:27.990 558 558 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0 11-01 06:56:27.999 412 412 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:318): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=binder permissive=1 11-01 06:56:28.012 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.location.fused 11-01 06:56:28.021 706 706 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox|1|null|10082 11-01 06:56:28.022 706 706 D InterruptionStateProvider: No heads up: unimportant notification: 0|cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox|1|null|10082 11-01 06:56:28.023 706 976 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/cn.manstep.phonemirrorBox 11-01 06:56:28.168 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.managedprovisioning 11-01 06:56:28.210 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.mms.service 11-01 06:56:28.272 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.mtp 11-01 06:56:28.317 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.networkstack.tethering 11-01 06:56:28.403 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.nfc 11-01 06:56:28.495 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.packageinstaller 11-01 06:56:28.529 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.pacprocessor 11-01 06:56:29.087 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.permissioncontroller 11-01 06:56:29.308 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.phone 11-01 06:56:29.348 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.blockednumber 11-01 06:56:29.394 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.contacts 11-01 06:56:29.442 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.downloads 11-01 06:56:29.489 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.downloads.ui 11-01 06:56:29.548 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.media 11-01 06:56:29.658 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.media.module 11-01 06:56:29.694 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.settings 11-01 06:56:29.740 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.telephony 11-01 06:56:29.778 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.providers.userdictionary 11-01 06:56:29.820 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.provision 11-01 06:56:29.849 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.proxyhandler 11-01 06:56:29.888 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.se 11-01 06:56:30.136 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.server.telecom 11-01 06:56:30.253 284 735 I keystore2: keystore2::watchdog: Watchdog thread idle -> terminating. Have a great day. 11-01 06:56:31.473 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.settings 11-01 06:56:31.518 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.sharedstoragebackup 11-01 06:56:31.555 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.shell 11-01 06:56:31.620 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.soundpicker 11-01 06:56:31.690 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.statementservice 11-01 06:56:32.198 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.systemui 11-01 06:56:32.451 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.traceur 11-01 06:56:32.490 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.vpndialogs 11-01 06:56:32.578 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.wallpaper.livepicker 11-01 06:56:32.615 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.wallpaperbackup 11-01 06:56:32.647 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.wallpapercropper 11-01 06:56:32.692 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb com.android.wifi.resources 11-01 06:56:32.732 1800 1890 D InstalledAppProviderSer: insertAppIntoDb eu.gapinski.teslaandroid.audiocapture 11-01 06:56:32.774 558 759 I ActivityManager: Killing 1526:com.android.dynsystem/1000 (adj 975): empty #17 11-01 06:56:32.779 558 759 I ActivityManager: Killing 1160:com.android.deskclock/u0a58 (adj 975): empty #18 11-01 06:56:32.779 558 586 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 1000 pid 1526 in 0ms 11-01 06:56:32.792 386 386 I Zygote : Process 1526 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-01 06:56:32.796 558 586 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10058 pid 1160 in 0ms 11-01 06:56:32.802 386 386 I Zygote : Process 1160 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 01-01 00:01:17.951 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.apex.cts.shim 01-01 00:01:17.951 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.apex.cts.shim] removal 01-01 00:01:17.951 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.apex.cts.shim 01-01 00:01:17.951 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.appsearch 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.appsearch] removal 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.appsearch 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.conscrypt 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.conscrypt] removal 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.conscrypt 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.i18n 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.i18n] removal 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.i18n 01-01 00:01:17.952 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.os.statsd 01-01 00:01:17.953 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.os.statsd] removal 01-01 00:01:17.953 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.os.statsd 01-01 00:01:17.953 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.runtime 01-01 00:01:17.953 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.runtime] removal 01-01 00:01:17.953 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.runtime 01-01 00:01:17.953 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.scheduling 01-01 00:01:17.954 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.scheduling] removal 01-01 00:01:17.954 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.scheduling 01-01 00:01:17.954 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.sdkext 01-01 00:01:17.954 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.sdkext] removal 01-01 00:01:17.954 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.sdkext 01-01 00:01:17.955 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.tzdata 01-01 00:01:17.955 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.tzdata] removal 01-01 00:01:17.955 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.tzdata 01-01 00:01:17.955 0 0 I apexd : Deleting unused dm device com.android.vndk.v32 01-01 00:01:17.955 0 0 E apexd : Didn't generate uevent for [com.android.vndk.v32] removal 01-01 00:01:17.955 0 0 W apexd : Failed to delete dm-device com.android.vndk.v32 11-01 06:56:41.405 275 275 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: 01-01 00:01:17.956 0 0 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Trying to shut down the service. No clients in use for any service in process. 01-01 00:01:17.956 0 0 I AidlLazyServiceRegistrar: Unregistered all clients and exiting 01-01 00:01:17.960 0 0 I init : Service 'apexd' (pid 326) exited with status 0 oneshot service took 61.945000 seconds in background 01-01 00:01:17.960 0 0 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'apexd' (pid 326) process group... 01-01 00:01:17.961 0 0 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 326 in 0ms 11-01 06:56:43.985 558 612 I ActivityManager: Killing 1564:com.android.managedprovisioning/u0a23 (adj 985): empty #17 11-01 06:56:43.988 558 586 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10023 pid 1564 in 0ms 11-01 06:56:43.988 558 612 I ActivityManager: Killing 1325:android.process.acore/u0a17 (adj 985): empty #18 11-01 06:56:44.006 386 386 I Zygote : Process 1564 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-01 06:56:44.010 558 586 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10017 pid 1325 in 0ms 01-01 00:01:20.564 0 0 I binder : undelivered transaction 50507, process died. 11-01 06:56:44.016 386 386 I Zygote : Process 1325 exited due to signal 9 (Killed) 11-01 06:56:44.016 558 572 D CountryDetector: No listener is left 11-01 06:56:44.424 457 457 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 11-01 06:56:44.425 457 457 I adbd : authentication not required 11-01 06:56:47.436 457 1929 I adbd : adbd restarting as root 11-01 06:56:47.491 558 1137 W AdbDebuggingManager: Read failed with count -1 11-01 06:56:47.491 558 1137 E AdbDebuggingManager: Caught an exception opening the socket: java.io.IOException: Connection refused 01-01 00:01:24.043 0 0 I android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=DISCONNECTED 01-01 00:01:24.043 0 0 I init : Service 'adbd' (pid 457) exited with status 1 01-01 00:01:24.043 0 0 I init : Sending signal 9 to service 'adbd' (pid 457) process group... 01-01 00:01:24.044 0 0 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 0 pid 457 in 0ms 01-01 00:01:24.045 0 0 I init : starting service 'adbd'... 01-01 00:01:24.046 0 0 I init : Created socket '/dev/socket/adbd', mode 660, user 1000, group 1000 11-01 06:56:47.538 1930 1930 I adbd : persist.adb.watchdog set to '' 11-01 06:56:47.539 1930 1930 I adbd : persist.sys.test_harness set to '' 11-01 06:56:47.539 1930 1930 I adbd : adb watchdog timeout set to 600 seconds 11-01 06:56:47.540 1930 1932 I adbd : Waiting for persist.adb.tls_server.enable=1 11-01 06:56:47.540 1930 1934 I adbd : opening control endpoint /dev/usb-ffs/adb/ep0 11-01 06:56:47.540 1930 1930 I adbd : adbd started 11-01 06:56:47.542 1930 1934 I adbd : UsbFfsConnection constructed 01-01 00:01:24.091 0 0 I : read descriptors 01-01 00:01:24.091 0 0 I : read strings 01-01 00:01:24.092 0 0 I init : processing action (sys.usb.config=adb && sys.usb.configfs=1 && sys.usb.ffs.ready=1) from (/system/etc/init/hw/init.usb.configfs.rc:20) 11-01 06:56:47.543 1930 1936 I adbd : UsbFfs-monitor thread spawned 11-01 06:56:47.543 1930 1936 I adbd : USB event: FUNCTIONFS_BIND 01-01 00:01:24.093 0 0 I init : Command 'symlink /config/usb_gadget/g1/functions/ffs.adb /config/usb_gadget/g1/configs/b.1/f1' action=sys.usb.config=adb && sys.usb.configfs=1 && sys.usb.ffs.ready=1 (/system/etc/init/hw/init.usb.configfs.rc:22) took 0ms and failed: symlink() failed: File exists 01-01 00:01:24.094 0 0 I dwc2 fe980000.usb: bound driver configfs-gadget 11-01 06:56:47.571 1515 1515 I tesla-android-v: type=1400 audit(0.0:319): avc: denied { ioctl } for path="/dev/dri/renderD128" dev="tmpfs" ino=488 ioctlcmd=0x6409 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:gpu_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 11-01 06:56:47.575 401 401 I HwBinder:401_2: type=1400 audit(0.0:320): avc: denied { read write } for path=2F6D656D66643A73637265656E73686F7420726573657276656420726567696F6E202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=2781 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_graphics_allocator_default_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 11-01 06:56:47.575 412 412 I RenderEngine: type=1400 audit(0.0:321): avc: denied { map } for path=2F6D656D66643A73637265656E73686F7420726573657276656420726567696F6E202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=2781 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_graphics_allocator_default_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 11-01 06:56:47.595 412 412 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:322): avc: denied { getattr } for path=2F6D656D66643A73637265656E73686F7420726573657276656420726567696F6E202864656C6574656429 dev="tmpfs" ino=2781 scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:hal_graphics_allocator_default_tmpfs:s0 tclass=file permissive=1 11-01 06:56:47.595 412 412 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:323): avc: denied { use } for path="/dmabuf:" dev="dmabuf" ino=37782 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:r:hal_graphics_allocator_default:s0 tclass=fd permissive=1 11-01 06:56:47.595 1515 1515 I tesla-android-v: type=1400 audit(0.0:324): avc: denied { map } for path="/dev/dri/renderD128" dev="tmpfs" ino=488 scontext=u:r:init:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:gpu_device:s0 tclass=chr_file permissive=1 01-01 00:01:24.151 0 0 W audit : audit_lost=196 audit_rate_limit=5 audit_backlog_limit=64 01-01 00:01:24.151 0 0 E audit : rate limit exceeded 01-01 00:01:24.254 0 0 I dwc2 fe980000.usb: new device is high-speed 01-01 00:01:24.287 0 0 I android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONNECTED 01-01 00:01:24.289 0 0 I dwc2 fe980000.usb: new address 6 11-01 06:56:47.740 774 889 I Tethering: USB bcast connected:true configured:false rndis:false ncm:false 11-01 06:56:47.760 1930 1936 I adbd : USB event: FUNCTIONFS_ENABLE 01-01 00:01:24.311 0 0 I android_work: sent uevent USB_STATE=CONFIGURED 11-01 06:56:47.763 1930 1937 I adbd : UsbFfs-worker thread spawned 11-01 06:56:47.770 774 889 I Tethering: USB bcast connected:true configured:true rndis:false ncm:false 11-01 06:56:47.991 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 774 11-01 06:56:47.991 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1050 11-01 06:56:47.992 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 688 11-01 06:56:47.992 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1220 11-01 06:56:47.992 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1227 11-01 06:56:47.992 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 706 11-01 06:56:47.993 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 975 11-01 06:56:47.993 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 791 11-01 06:56:47.993 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 839 11-01 06:56:47.993 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 807 11-01 06:56:47.993 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1379 11-01 06:56:48.005 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 558 11-01 06:56:48.027 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 809 11-01 06:56:48.028 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1709 11-01 06:56:48.028 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1258 11-01 06:56:48.028 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1239 11-01 06:56:48.028 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1886 11-01 06:56:48.028 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1405 11-01 06:56:48.028 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1742 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1141 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1683 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1563 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1843 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1601 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1777 11-01 06:56:48.029 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1800 11-01 06:56:48.030 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1624 11-01 06:56:48.030 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1113 11-01 06:56:48.030 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1643 11-01 06:56:48.030 1930 1935 I adbd : jdwp connection from 1662 11-01 06:56:48.402 1930 1930 I adbd : UsbFfs: already offline 11-01 06:56:48.402 1930 1930 I adbd : authentication not required 11-01 06:56:49.494 1930 1933 I adbd : adbd_auth: received a new framework connection 11-01 06:56:49.494 1930 1933 I adbd : adbd_auth: received new framework fd 49 (current = -1) 11-01 06:56:58.283 558 636 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing NTP fix 11-01 06:56:58.303 385 385 I netd : trafficSwapActiveStatsMap() <19.36ms> 11-01 06:56:58.308 385 385 I netd : tetherGetStats() -> {[]} <3.98ms> 11-01 06:56:58.311 558 636 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing NTP fix 11-01 06:56:58.312 385 385 I netd : bandwidthSetGlobalAlert(2097152) <0.38ms> 11-01 06:56:58.317 558 637 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing NTP fix 11-01 06:56:58.317 558 637 W BestClock: java.time.DateTimeException: Missing NTP fix 11-01 06:57:07.922 1113 1128 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user sensitive for user 0 11-01 06:57:08.677 558 594 V DisplayPowerController[0]: Brightness [0.05] reason changing to: 'manual [ dim ]', previous reason: 'manual'. 11-01 06:57:08.691 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.692 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.693 558 584 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 06:57:08.696 558 584 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 06:57:08.708 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.709 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.710 558 584 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 06:57:08.712 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.713 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.714 558 584 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 06:57:08.717 558 584 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_wtf isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 06:57:08.728 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.728 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.745 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.745 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.761 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.762 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.778 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.778 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.795 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.796 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.812 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.812 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.828 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.829 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.845 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.845 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.861 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.862 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.879 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.880 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.895 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.896 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.912 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.912 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.928 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.929 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.945 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.946 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.962 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.963 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.978 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.979 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.995 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:08.996 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.012 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.012 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.028 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.029 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.045 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.046 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.061 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.062 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.078 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.079 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.095 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.095 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.112 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.113 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.128 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.129 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.145 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.145 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.161 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.162 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.178 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 06:57:09.179 558 684 E DisplayDeviceConfig: requesting nits when no mapping exists. 11-01 07:00:00.007 558 558 D ConditionProviders.SCP: onReceive ScheduleConditionProvider.EVALUATE 11-01 07:00:00.008 558 558 D ConditionProviders.SCP: evaluateSubscriptionLocked cal=ScheduleCalendar[mDays={1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, mSchedule=ScheduleInfo{days=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], startHour=22, startMinute=0, endHour=7, endMinute=0, exitAtAlarm=true, nextAlarm=Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970 (0)}], now=Tue Nov 01 07:00:00 GMT 2022 (1667286000007), nextUserAlarmTime=Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 1970 (0) 11-01 07:00:00.008 558 558 D ConditionProviders.SCP: notifyCondition condition://android/schedule?days= STATE_FALSE reason=!meetsSchedule 11-01 07:00:00.009 558 558 D ConditionProviders.SCP: Scheduling evaluate for Tue Nov 01 22:00:00 GMT 2022 (1667340000000), in +14h59m59s993ms, now=Tue Nov 01 07:00:00 GMT 2022 (1667286000007) 11-01 07:00:00.010 558 558 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED 11-01 07:00:00.019 706 1049 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 150939131; UID 10072; state: ENABLED 11-01 07:01:08.079 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.081 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.082 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.084 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.085 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.086 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.087 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.088 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.090 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:08.092 558 577 I DropBoxManagerService: add tag=system_server_strictmode isTagEnabled=true flags=0x2 11-01 07:01:14.675 412 412 I surfaceflinger: type=1400 audit(0.0:328): avc: denied { call } for scontext=u:r:surfaceflinger:s0 tcontext=u:r:init:s0 tclass=binder permissive=1 01-01 00:09:17.252 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=1950 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 01-01 00:09:36.864 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=1953 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 11-01 07:06:18.983 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1563 com.android.dynsystem:dynsystem 11-01 07:06:18.984 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1563 com.android.dynsystem:dynsystem 11-01 07:06:19.183 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1601 com.android.localtransport 11-01 07:06:19.184 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1601 com.android.localtransport 11-01 07:06:19.383 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1624 com.android.onetimeinitializer 11-01 07:06:19.383 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1624 com.android.onetimeinitializer 11-01 07:06:20.167 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1683 com.android.remoteprovisioner 11-01 07:06:20.168 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1683 com.android.remoteprovisioner 11-01 07:06:20.555 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 809 com.android.settings 11-01 07:06:20.556 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 809 com.android.settings 11-01 07:06:21.443 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1258 com.android.printspooler 11-01 07:06:21.445 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1258 com.android.printspooler 11-01 07:06:22.218 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1777 com.google.android.gms:persistent 11-01 07:06:22.221 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1777 com.google.android.gms:persistent 11-01 07:06:25.203 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1886 com.android.externalstorage 11-01 07:06:25.205 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1886 com.android.externalstorage 11-01 07:06:25.443 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1662 com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 07:06:25.444 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1662 com.android.providers.calendar 11-01 07:06:47.863 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1405 android.process.media 11-01 07:06:47.864 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1405 android.process.media 11-01 07:07:08.668 558 612 W DeviceIdleController: motion timeout went off and device isn't stationary 11-01 07:07:11.003 558 1959 W system_server: ClassLoaderContext shared library size mismatch. Expected=3, found=1 (PCL[]{PCL[/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar3239720430]#PCL[/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.extensions.jar3793667729]#PCL[/system_ext/framework/androidx.window.sidecar.jar*823305955]} | PCL[]{PCL[]}) 11-01 07:07:11.874 558 1959 I BackgroundDexOptService: Pinning optimized code {} 11-01 07:07:18.179 558 622 D ActivityManager: freezing 1113 com.android.permissioncontroller 11-01 07:07:18.180 558 622 D ActivityManager: froze 1113 com.android.permissioncontroller 01-01 00:15:43.918 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=1971 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 01-01 00:16:25.440 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=1975 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 01-01 00:17:40.847 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=1980 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 01-01 00:19:01.199 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=1984 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns 11-01 07:16:06.411 558 583 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to disk 11-01 07:25:23.485 807 807 E PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] queryModemActivityInfo: Empty response 11-01 07:25:23.487 558 572 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading modem stats:ERROR_INVALID_INFO_RECEIVED 11-01 07:25:23.494 558 590 W KernelCpuProcStringReader: File not found. It's normal if not implemented: /proc/uid_concurrent_policy_time 11-01 07:25:23.518 558 590 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids 1037-1037 01-01 00:30:21.362 0 0 I init : Untracked pid 1997 exited with status 0 01-01 00:30:35.388 0 0 I logd : logdr: UID=0 GID=0 PID=2002 b tail=0 logMask=99 pid=0 start=0ns deadline=0ns

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

@mikegapinski if you need same commands issued by someone in USA North America, let me know. I think @MCFFHAB is in Europe.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

I am in the USA.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

One more request.

Could you send me the output of: adb root adb shell dmesg adb logcat adb shell followed by su followed by ifconfig -a

I just got USB tethering to work for Android phones with iOS to follow. I might need to enable a driver for your dongle, maybe. Another wild guess

@mikegapinski let me know if you need anything else besides those outputs. Will be glad to help any way I can. Thank you.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

The best way to get it fixed from my end is for someone to ship the version of the modem that does not work to me, I have a working European one to compare with and it shouldn't take long.

I would recommend researching if there are any other cheap USB LTE/5G modems for North America worth supporting, if I can obtain them with your help there is nothing stopping me from getting them working if they don't out of the box

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

@MCFFHAB The best scenario:

If you and the TMC crew find other modems that are working out of the box I'll update the website with other models. If someone buys a modem that does not work I can try to bring support. General rule of thumb when checking hardware: if it works on Linux or MacOS I can get it working here on Android

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

@mikegapinski Thank you. More and more I believe this is a Cellular Network Service Area issue given network resellers such as Tello that it is giving problems. On the TMC thread there are comments to that effect. It could be that in some service areas the cellular network is specifically requesting APN settings to work. It could also mean that some OS drivers have these settings and some do not.

The problem that people are facing are the the blue light blinks - that means that the modem passed the OS recognition (red light) and it is waiting for the cellular network to connect to the modem (blue light blinking).

If we could get the app that you mentioned "Link Key Manager" to be installed on the Tesla Android image then we could see if that app could help (if it does set the APN). Or if the Tesla Android have a way to set the APN on its Android settings or by some config file that we could put the APN settings.

I used the following instructions (link below) to set the Tesla Android OS APN settings but I do not have all of the parameters and what I used did not work - so I am not sure if the Tesla Android is looking for an internal SIM instead of the modem SIM or I am missing some parameters.


Thank you again for all of your help.

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for advice @mikegapinski . I’ve been totally swamped with my day job lately. I am very interested in researching other modems in the hopes of finding a less bulky option. I’ll tinker around in that area and post some findings eventually.

@MCFFHAB , you want to handle chatting with the TMC group about locating the vendor who sold them the hardware that works? I don’t mind just want to coordinate to avoid both of us asking in the forum. I hate duplicating efforts 🤣.

@MCFFHAB I don’t mind sending Michael my Alcatel for analysis. I don’t use it for anything else. Although I am not a fan of the bulky Alcatel hardware would be good to have at least a known baseline of supported hardware for new future users.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

Tesla Android is not detecting this device as a modem at this moment at all, it's seen as a generic usb device for some reason.

If you plug your modem into a mac, windows or linux machine where do you setup the apn? In the OS or in the browser on the modem's website?

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

If this issue is actually related to some MVNO cellular provider I don't know how I might be able to help with this. I know that T-Mobile is working for sure.

Did anyone of you with a not working modem try to place a TMO card inside? If this will work we might be onto something. I doubt this, I think that some reseller is providing you with a branded version of the modem that has something changed in the firmware

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

I recall entering APN info via Windows 10 cellular network interface which appeared automatically.

If I plug in to Mac, Mac (Ventura OS) doesn’t detect anything. At least I see nothing in the network setup in the Mac control panel app.

I was thinking to setup a VM linux on Mac to test there and linux on my second pi as well. I might be able to do that during work breaks today & on weekend.

So far no OS can access for setup.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Thanks for advice @mikegapinski . I’ve been totally swamped with my day job lately. I am very interested in researching other modems in the hopes of finding a less bulky option. I’ll tinker around in that area and post some findings eventually.

@MCFFHAB , you want to handle chatting with the TMC group about locating the vendor who sold them the hardware that works? I don’t mind just want to coordinate to avoid both of us asking in the forum. I hate duplicating efforts 🤣.

@MCFFHAB I don’t mind sending Michael my Alcatel for analysis. I don’t use it for anything else. Although I am not a fan of the bulky Alcatel hardware would be good to have at least a known baseline of supported hardware for new future users.

@electricAntEater32, thank you, I read the TMC but not a member yet. I could signup but I am not at home at the moment and I always forget to record the password when I am doing things on a different device than my computer.

I do use this modem for other items so unfortunately cannot send to mikegapinski.

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

I can try to put my iPhone’s t-mobile sim in to the Alcatel. My iPhone sim is a different size but I think there is an adapter I can 3D print or get sent to my house. Also today I will be at a t-mobile store by coincidence and will ask if they have an adapter. Few years ago they gave me one but I’ve lost it. I’ll try the experiment. I don’t want to buy a t-mobile data plan etc because my current family plan is very old and they will try to update me…my fear is they will mess up and my kids will start a revolution due to lack of discord access during the weekend 😱

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Tesla Android is not detecting this device as a modem at this moment at all, it's seen as a generic usb device for some reason.

If you plug your modem into a mac, windows or linux machine where do you setup the apn? In the OS or in the browser on the modem's website?

When I plug in Windows, Linux, and mac I get the same blinking blue light but when I set the APN it starts working. I set the APN in the OS since I cannot access the modem through it documented web page at

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

If this issue is actually related to some MVNO cellular provider I don't know how I might be able to help with this. I know that T-Mobile is working for sure.

Did anyone of you with a not working modem try to place a TMO card inside? If this will work we might be onto something. I doubt this, I think that some reseller is providing you with a branded version of the modem that has something changed in the firmware

I bought my modem at ebay which I assume is where everyone else in the USA bought it since there is no other place that sells it - at least for a reasonable price.

MVNO cellular provider normally relies on a different APN than the original provider - Tello uses T-Mobile but has a different APN than T-Mobile to identify its users.

Unfortunately I only have Tello SIM so cannot help.

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for advice @mikegapinski . I’ve been totally swamped with my day job lately. I am very interested in researching other modems in the hopes of finding a less bulky option. I’ll tinker around in that area and post some findings eventually. @MCFFHAB , you want to handle chatting with the TMC group about locating the vendor who sold them the hardware that works? I don’t mind just want to coordinate to avoid both of us asking in the forum. I hate duplicating efforts 🤣. @MCFFHAB I don’t mind sending Michael my Alcatel for analysis. I don’t use it for anything else. Although I am not a fan of the bulky Alcatel hardware would be good to have at least a known baseline of supported hardware for new future users.

@electricAntEater32, thank you, I read the TMC but not a member yet. I could signup but I am not at home at the moment and I always forget to record the password when I am doing things on a different device than my computer.

I do use this modem for other items so unfortunately cannot send to mikegapinski.

@MCFFHAB , no worries. I can send my Alcatel after we exhaust the options. I’ll ask on TMC where they got the modem from after I test out using my own T-Mobile sim from my phone in the Alcatel.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

Maybe the web panel address has changed for you, check it in the network interfaces...

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Maybe the web panel address has changed for you, check it in the network interfaces...

From my "ifconfig -a" below Tesla Android only sees the local loopback and the - there is the dummy0 interface with a ipv6 address but the Tesla Android browser does not like ipv6 addresses even with square bracket.

rpi4:/ # ifconfig -a lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope: Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:65536 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

dummy0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 7a:72:59:3a:4e:8c inet6 addr: fe80::7872:59ff:fe3a:4e8c/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING NOARP MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:9 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:630

eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e4:5f:01:db:17:4f Driver bcmgenet UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

ip_vti0 Link encap:UNSPEC NOARP MTU:1480 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

ip6_vti0 Link encap:UNSPEC NOARP MTU:1332 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

ip6tnl0 Link encap:UNSPEC NOARP MTU:1452 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:0

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr e4:5f:01:db:17:50 Driver brcmfmac inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::e65f:1ff:fedb:1750/64 Scope: Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:0 TX bytes:1048

rpi4:/ #

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

I mean checking the interface details on other OS after setting APN. If there is a web panel it might have an option to save APN config in the modem itself

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

I keep pressing close with comment instead of comment 😄

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

I mean checking the interface details on other OS after setting APN. If there is a web panel it might have an option to save APN config in the modem itself

I checked on Linux and Windows and on both the modem works fine but it does not provide a local network ip address. I can only see the wan ip address for the modem which is not accessible by the web browser.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

@mikegapinski, I did some digging on this modem hardware interface technical specs and noticed that it normally uses the library/driver "cdc_mbim" (which seems to very common to USB modem hardware) to set parameters and communications to the device. From my dmesg I found the strings where the modem is recognized and set up at the OS level but cdc_mbim fails to bind with it. Not sure but it could be that this library/driver needs to be updated on the image?

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

@MCFFHAB interesting find! Tonight I might be able to pop my t-mobile sim from my iPhone 13pro max in to the Alcatel. I went to t-mobile store today (the pink is so 1980’s…best music ever..we can debate that l8r) but the store had no nano to micro sim adapter. In the store I searched thingy verse & found a nano to micro sim adapter. Hopped in the performance model Y and floored it to my home…put the stl file from thingy verse on usb stick…floored it to the library which has a 3d printer lab….oh sh*t they want my library card…run to the library help desk..they get me my library card #…that was good enough for printer lab…signed papers where my soul & dna can be acquired…,printed adapter (first time using 3d printer) I’ll try it tonight.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

@MCFFHAB interesting find! Tonight I might be able to pop my t-mobile sim from my iPhone 13pro max in to the Alcatel. I went to t-mobile store today (the pink is so 1980’s…best music ever..we can debate that l8r) but the store had no nano to micro sim adapter. In the store I searched thingy verse & found a nano to micro sim adapter. Hopped in the performance model Y and floored it to my home…put the stl file from thingy verse on usb stick…floored it to the library which has a 3d printer lab….oh sh*t they want my library card…run to the library help desk..they get me my library card #…that was good enough for printer lab…signed papers where my soul & dna can be acquired…,printed adapter (first time using 3d printer) I’ll try it tonight.

If you have Tello then they provide with their SIM adapters for all size that you can use with your T-Mobile SIM. Just see the credit card that the Tello SIM came with, the adapters are there also.

electricAntEater32 commented 1 year ago

@MCFFHAB Hmm...it seems Tello gave me an ancient large sim to micro sim adapter only. My iphone has "nano sim". I just put my iPhone T-mobile nano sim in to the Alcatel via the nano to micro sim adapter I 3D printed at my local library earlier in the day and it worked in Windows 10 without the need to enter an APN even. Network name was different than Tello. In Windows, Tello sim would say network name of "Tello" and in some Guis with would say "T-Mobile"...however my iPhone sim makes Windows show "T-Mobile USA" in all guis. I plugged the LTE in to Pi running Tesla-android, no cellular network connection. I just tried to surf to a web site in the pi web browser as a fast test. Tomorrow I'll connect android-tesla Pi to my Mac and windows (via Mac bootcamp) and run the adb shell commands when lte usb modem is plugged in...I'll also instal linux on Mac via virtual box...on my second pi I'll install a raspberry os to see if it can detect Alcatel or ubuntu/centOs linux if I can install that on the pi.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

So the T-Mobile SIM on the Alcatel USB Modem on the Tesla Android also just showed the blinking blue light? If that is the case then our Alcatel USB Modem definitely have some differences to others. It is most likely firmware since I would be surprised if it is different hardware for such a cheap device. That could point to the cdc-mbim library/driver not talking to the firmware. When you check your Tesla Android system tomorrow check your dmesg to see if you see the same problem I saw on mine.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

it uses mbim? Well, I can make this work: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/device/linaro/hikey/+/479418

I'll cook an image for you guys soon :)

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

it uses mbim? Well, I can make this work: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/device/linaro/hikey/+/479418

I'll cook an image for you guys soon :)

Thank you @mikegapinski . Looking forward to testing the version with the updated mbim.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

it uses mbim? Well, I can make this work: https://android-review.googlesource.com/c/device/linaro/hikey/+/479418 I'll cook an image for you guys soon :)

Thank you @mikegapinski . Looking forward to testing the version with the updated mbim.

I found these two references to cdc_mbim for Android:



MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Also found out that there are two version of the IK41UC - "1S41003" and "CF17300". Unfortunately my modem does not says what version it is on any of its labels. It seems that the difference is firmware. So I think we are getting closer to solving this mystery.

MCFFHAB commented 1 year ago

Found more info - I check my serial number compared to the other ebay Alcatel IK41UC for sale that showed serial numbers. My serial number is newer than the other ones that showed serial number. Sometime the difference was small, sometimes large. So again it could firmware differences.

mikegapinski commented 1 year ago

There should be a way to switch this modem from mbim to other mode, if not I will try with this mbim patch. Next version of Tesla Android should show you something more in ifconfig, not expecting this to work instantly but I want some progress at least