tesla-local-control / tesla-local-control-addon

Control your Tesla locally from HomeAssistant
Apache License 2.0
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Esphome Bluetooth proxy #35

Open Peke140 opened 4 days ago

Peke140 commented 4 days ago

Not sure if this would even be possible but one can only ask.

As the title implies, would it be possible to use this integration together with a Bluetooth proxy from esphome?

baylanger commented 4 days ago

I brought this topic earlier today in a chat with @iainbullock & @raphmur

The current reality; to send a command to the car the add-on currently uses the official from Tesla tesla-control app.

tesla-control is designed to send commands to the car over Internet (Tesla Fleet API) or over BLE with the use of a hardware Bluetooth dongle. ESPHome Bluetooth Proxy integrates magically into Home Assistant but tesla-control being written in Go makes things harder as there's no HA Go library available.

We can leave this Issue open for now, hoping others will chip in some ideas to make this happen.

Peke140 commented 3 days ago

I always mistakenly thought that the proxy would present itself to the machine as a Bluetooth dongle, making it easy to implement.

In the meantime I will just dust off a raspberry pi I have laying around and try it as a standalone.