teslabout / teslabout-bug-tracker

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Signing in leads me to blank page #9

Open brendondelgado opened 5 years ago

brendondelgado commented 5 years ago

https://teslabout.com/vehicles is showing up as completely blank for me. Was having issues adding a token yesterday (generated using the Tesla Access Token iOS shortcut from Teslacuts.com, use this for TeslaFi so I know it works) where it kept saying "Cannot connect to Tesla." Dunno if that's related to why the vehicles page is blank today though.

joeypoon commented 5 years ago

@brendondelgado Checking through the database I see that no tesla token was associated to your account so it never pulled your vehicle(s). I reset your account and resent you an invite just now. We're also adding in more checks during user creation to make sure this doesn't happen again, will likely have it out tonight.

As far as the token goes, are you re-using a token? If your refresh token has been used or your tesla password has been changed since you first requested the access token, the token will be invalidated. In our logs, this is the response tesla is sending us "The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client."