teslamate-org / teslamate

A self-hosted data logger for your Tesla 🚘
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Comparision with TeslaLogger #120

Closed JakobLichterfeld closed 5 years ago

JakobLichterfeld commented 5 years ago

I stumpled across TeslaLogger and then across TeslaMate. You wrote TeslaLogger was an inspiration t the beginning. Can you specify what is the difference beside of the programming language?

Thanks in advance.

adriankumpf commented 5 years ago

Yeah, sure. First of all there were a couple of reasons for me to start my own logger.

Those reasons were enough for me to start building TeslaMate. Since then I didn't pay that much attention to TeslaLogger and all of its features. But I'll try to name a few differences:

ChrisPrefect commented 3 years ago

How has this comparison changed over the past 1.5 years? I am just deciding which project I should implement. Thanks! :-)

DrMichael commented 3 years ago

For me I'd say

For TeslaMate: C# running with mono under Unix is not ideal (well, Elixir is a bit of an exotic language...) Everything is in docker All data is kept in the database, nothing in the (host) filesystem No centralised server necessary

For TeslaLogger: ScanMyTesla support Fleet data available

Jagganaut commented 3 years ago

That's my perspective ... I talked to adrian personally in Berlin in the beginning to understand why he had branched of ... and created
something 1:1 in elixir ... and i was missing at some point last year the reminder where his "TM" idea was originally coming from.

i openly discussed with adrian why it seemed completely insane from my user perspective to first purchase a NAS and than besides that to implement by-hand a docker on it for a tesla car. This is above the config capabilities of 95% of the users currently using the TESLAlogger. I personally didn't wanted to have such a noisemaking device inside of my house ... thats why the Pi is such a smart thing to use ... low energy consumption and pretty easy forgettable until you need data from it. To give you an update on the project ...

Currently the TL features

we keep you updated

ngardiner commented 3 years ago

None of the above is necessary at all? There's instructions on how to do a manual install in the docs. I use neither a NAS nor docker for my installation and it works fine. As I see it, docker is simply a convenience option for those who don't want to install postgres, teslamate and grafana manually, which is fine. That doesn't make it a requirement.

ngardiner commented 3 years ago

And further to that, the relatonship between a NAS and Docker is again non existent past the point that vendors such as QNAP or Synology include docker for convenience, so users can run containers on their NAS. You can run docker on a raspberry pi just fine.... Vendors including docker on a NAS device does not mean that you require a NAS device to run docker, it's false equivalence

JakobLichterfeld commented 3 years ago

How has this comparison changed over the past 1.5 years? I am just deciding which project I should implement. Thanks! :-)

Hi ChrisPrefect, if you can read german, you can find here a statement: https://tff-forum.de/t/teslamate-erfahrungs-und-datenthread/84179/45

Summarize from my point of view: TeslaMate is modern SW development, inspired by TeslaLogger. There have been SW Architecture patterns right from the beginning, TeslaLogger was some sort of script-collection with some sort of UI and erosion over time. TeslaLogger is no modern SW development in my eyes. Yeah, over time they include unit test, the mindset from beginning was not test driven development nor any other modern SW dev paradigma. Over time TeslaLogger was published as docker container as well, but to put something dirty in a bag it does not make it clean... TeslaLogger changed into a non 100% open project with a company behind it trying to sell raspberry pis with build in TeslaLogger. Even more TeslaLogger collect data of the users, yeah it is a feature as well, in the beginning the collection was not obviously to normal users, which is a total no-go from my point of view (links to conversation and findings see TFF post). TeslaLogger has the build in ScanMyTesla for storing the values which are populated over OBD. This is for sure a unique feature. On the other hand it can cause serious failures, never mess the OBD :-)

Comparing the community is easy to compare by numbers: TeslaLogger has 126 Stars right now, TeslaMate has 1.2k...

So I dediced to go with TeslaMate and in the last 2 years I do not regret it

DrMichael commented 3 years ago

i openly discussed with adrian why it seemed completely insane from my user perspective to first purchase a NAS and than besides that to implement by-hand a docker on it for a tesla car. This is above the config capabilities of 95% of the users currently using the TESLAlogger. I personally didn't wanted to have such a noisemaking device inside of my house ... thats why the Pi is such a smart thing to use ... low energy consumption and pretty easy forgettable until you need data from it.

Ok, that is obviously wrong (or outdated).

Currently the TL features ...

Boils down the the two points I mentioned, right?