teslamotors / fleet-telemetry

Apache License 2.0
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Data update #241

Open krishramani01 opened 6 days ago

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

How does tessie updating data in real-time without using Telemetry ?

Bre77 commented 6 days ago

Tessie does use Fleet Telemetry if you let it (https://help.tessie.com/article/128-direct-telemetry). Otherwise they are just polling the Fleet API.

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

I want to do same like tessie how many rate limit required for that? Does tesla increase my rate limit same as tessie ?

Bre77 commented 6 days ago

Tesla hasnt made the higher subscription levels public yet. In theory Tessie is paying Tesla for higher rate limits, which is why they had to increase their prices so much recently.

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

I'll pay same like tessie for higher rate limit so does it tesla allow ?

netdata-be commented 6 days ago

It seems the rate limite of 10 fields/min has been lifted, I'm able to create something useful now....

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

I want to develope app like tessie with real-time data update so could you tell how can I do it ?

netdata-be commented 6 days ago

I want to develope app like tessie with real-time data update so could you tell how can I do it ?

Do as the docs say you to do so ;-)

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

I already did it! Tesla has not added the climate field or valet mode status and many field missing so I cannot update it in real time.

netdata-be commented 6 days ago

I already did it! Tesla has not added the climate field or valet mode status and many field missing so I cannot update it in real time.

For these fields you can query the vehicle_data endpoint, just make sure you implement it correctly so that you do not wake the vehicle up if not needed...

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

True but api pooling that's not solution

netdata-be commented 6 days ago

Why not, teslamate uses a combination of polling and pushes, agree the telemetry data does not contain ALL fields, but that is your use case to get telemetry data on the climate settings?

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

Why not, teslamate uses a combination of polling and pushes, agree the telemetry data does not contain ALL fields, but that is your use case to get telemetry data on the climate settings?

Rate limit is one of the problem of api pooling.

netdata-be commented 6 days ago

Why? You can query the API currently every 8 min without a problem. What is the use case of have more updates on the climate data?

krishramani01 commented 6 days ago

Why? You can query the API currently every 8 min without a problem. What is the use case of have more updates on the climate data?

When the user starts the climate control from their car, the app should provide real-time updates, showing the climate's start state immediately instead of after 8 minutes.