teslamotors / react-native-camera-kit

A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library for React Native apps.
MIT License
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Reading BARCODE from Gallery #649

Open fdikmen opened 3 months ago

fdikmen commented 3 months ago

I can read BARCODE using your library. How can I do this on images in the gallery instead of live camera?

I mean how can I extract the barcode from an existing image?

olcaneristi commented 3 months ago

I don't think this will be possible with react-native-camera-kit. This package will not provide you with anything other than barcode scanning and capture photo.

You can scan barcodes by selecting them from the gallery with packages like rn-qr-generator. (for scan barcode), react-native-image-picker or react-native-camera-roll (select from gallery). These packages can generate and capture QR/Barcodes within themselves.

fdikmen commented 3 months ago

Thanks. I've already done what I wanted to do using rn-qr-generator. But the reason I'm writing here is why shouldn't such a feature be added to react-native-camera-kit?