teslamotors / react-native-camera-kit

A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library for React Native apps.
MIT License
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Camera capture image not working on Bluestack : black screen + weird sound on capture picture click #650

Open anasbn3issa opened 3 months ago

anasbn3issa commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug Capture image is working fine on all android studio immulators as well as mobile phones using apk or in local, but when testing using Bluestack immulator:

Expected behavior

Screenshots image



Additional context It's important to note that I have made changes to the actual npm package react-native-camera-kit, but none of the changes would affect the camera as it did. especially because it works on all evironments except for Blue Stacks' here's the full repo : https://github.com/anasbn3issa/react-native-camera-kit I simply added namespace in android/build.gradle and bumped its sdk version. also : image