teslamotors / react-native-camera-kit

A high performance, easy to use, rock solid camera library for React Native apps.
MIT License
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Enable/disable mirroring captured pictures when using the front camera #666

Open arjovanramshorst opened 3 weeks ago

arjovanramshorst commented 3 weeks ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When people take selfies, they'd prefer if the image is mirrored (same way as it is shown by the camera while taking the picture). It seems like this is not possible right now.

Describe the solution you'd like A property like: mirrorOnCapture: boolean, or something that fits with the package, that determines whether or not the captured image should be mirrored.

Describe alternatives you've considered Manually processing the image in the frontend to mirror it, or render the image mirrored directly after capture, and actually mirror the image in the backend (both quite convoluted options for something that seems quite a standard feature, pretty much every app that uses the front camera does this by default)

Additional context I'd be happy to provide a PR, but have very little experience with actual native code, if someone could point me in the direction where I could add this I could take a look.