tessel / this-week-in-tessel

Tessel's community blog. Team Members are welcome to submit posts as PRs here for editing.
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Meet A Tesselator / Tessel Team Member #24

Open HipsterBrown opened 8 years ago

HipsterBrown commented 8 years ago

Bringing back the tradition of introducing Tessel team members to the community through a blog post. An example of this would be @Frijol's intro post -> Introducing Kelsey.

I've come up with some potential questions that can be answered in order to give folks more insight into the team member being introduced, hopefully answering at least 2 or 3 but no upper limit:

It would be nice to also include an avatar or photo for folks to recognize you in the community, either online or in person.

Frijol commented 8 years ago

Can I upvote this? Awesome issue creation.

Frijol commented 8 years ago

To any Tessel Team Members who want to tackle this issue for themselves but aren't sure how, I'm happy to (1) act as your editor if you'd like or (2) interview you a la any of these http://ifoundthemeaningoflife.tumblr.com/