tesselode / ripple

Sound manager with tag support for LÖVE.
MIT License
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ripple plus advanced sound library no output #9

Open lilmike opened 1 year ago

lilmike commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to convert my audiogame project to use ripple and advanced sound library, and am running into an issue: As the code stands, in the sound-rework branch, no sound plays at all. If I do a basic test and play a looping sound right at the top of the love.load method, sound is heard, but only that one sound. This makes me think that maybe ripple is at fault somehow. Any thoughts on this? I've dug into it a little, and I can't yet see why it's not working. Note that to get it to work properly, you'll need to change "getPitch" and "setPitch" to "getResamplingRatio" and "setResamplingRatio".


lilmike commented 1 year ago

Issue on asl's github: https://github.com/zorggn/love-asl/issues/1

zorggn commented 1 year ago

Reposting here for visibility; the issue is probably on my end, and one of my latest commits (7973931) should have fixed it.

zorggn commented 1 year ago

Okay, so weather update: Löve 11.4 (and possibly older versions) seems to have a bug with cloning queueable sources.

If ripple supports the handling of that type of source objects, then you could potentially implement a fix like i did, until löve implements one for it:

Use an if-check to see what type the source is, and if it's queueable, then construct new ones with the old ones' params explicitly instead of relying on the clone method.

In any case, i also implemented this fix on my end, so in this specific case where the user uses both libraries together, mine will handle the issue gracefully.

zorggn commented 1 year ago

A correction to my previous post, it might not be a löve bug at all, but it's so complex to reproduce, i'd just chalk it up to some issue on my end for now.