tesseract-robotics / tesseract_ros

ROS Interface for the Tesseract Planning Environment.
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I had some problems compiling tesseract_ros #235

Open Jm20010201 opened 4 weeks ago

Jm20010201 commented 4 weeks ago

My compilation environment is ubuntu20.04 with ros noetic,Below is the problem I encountered: 2024-06-04 15-17-58 的屏幕截图 2024-06-04 15-18-12 的屏幕截图 This seems to be a QT problem, I have no way to solve it for now, can you help me, thank you so much!!!

Levi-Armstrong commented 4 weeks ago

What are the current tag for all of the tesseract repositories and dependencies?

Levi-Armstrong commented 4 weeks ago

Rviz made breaking changes in version 1.14.23 see here, but fixed it in version 1.14.24 which is not released on the build farm yet. I am working on a patch to tesseract_rviz.

Levi-Armstrong commented 4 weeks ago

The issue should be resolved after this PR is merged.

Jm20010201 commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your reply, now I can compile successfully (it compiles successfully using depencies_unstable.rosinstall, but it still fails when I use the version in dependencies.rosinstall)

Jm20010201 commented 3 weeks ago

There are some problems when I use roslaunch tesseract_ros_examples online_planning_example.launch,It seems to be a problem with the rviz plug-in. Can you help me take a look? Thank you!!!

[ERROR] [1717582938.070646002]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'tesseract_rviz/TesseractTrajectory' failed to load. Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class tesseract_rviz/TesseractTrajectory with base class type rviz::Display does not exist. Declared types are moveit_rviz_plugin/MotionPlanning moveit_rviz_plugin/PlanningScene moveit_rviz_plugin/RobotState moveit_rviz_plugin/Trajectory rviz/AccelStamped rviz/Axes rviz/Camera rviz/DepthCloud rviz/Effort rviz/FluidPressure rviz/Grid rviz/GridCells rviz/Illuminance rviz/Image rviz/InteractiveMarkers rviz/LaserScan rviz/Map rviz/Marker rviz/MarkerArray rviz/Odometry rviz/Path rviz/PointCloud rviz/PointCloud2 rviz/PointStamped rviz/Polygon rviz/Pose rviz/PoseArray rviz/PoseWithCovariance rviz/Range rviz/RelativeHumidity rviz/RobotModel rviz/TF rviz/Temperature rviz/TwistStamped rviz/WrenchStamped tesseract_rviz/TesseractEnvironment tesseract_rviz/TesseractWorkbench [ERROR] [1717582938.070814547]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'tesseract_rviz/EnvironmentState' failed to load. Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class tesseract_rviz/EnvironmentState with base class type rviz::Display does not exist. Declared types are moveit_rviz_plugin/MotionPlanning moveit_rviz_plugin/PlanningScene moveit_rviz_plugin/RobotState moveit_rviz_plugin/Trajectory rviz/AccelStamped rviz/Axes rviz/Camera rviz/DepthCloud rviz/Effort rviz/FluidPressure rviz/Grid rviz/GridCells rviz/Illuminance rviz/Image rviz/InteractiveMarkers rviz/LaserScan rviz/Map rviz/Marker rviz/MarkerArray rviz/Odometry rviz/Path rviz/PointCloud rviz/PointCloud2 rviz/PointStamped rviz/Polygon rviz/Pose rviz/PoseArray rviz/PoseWithCovariance rviz/Range rviz/RelativeHumidity rviz/RobotModel rviz/TF rviz/Temperature rviz/TwistStamped rviz/WrenchStamped tesseract_rviz/TesseractEnvironment tesseract_rviz/TesseractWorkbench ![Uploading 2024-06-05 18-30-28 的屏幕截图.png…]()

Levi-Armstrong commented 3 weeks ago

It should always build if you are using the depencies_unstable.rosinstall but the other should only work if you are pulling the latest tags. Though that is not the case at the moment because I am current working getting a new release out this week.