tesseract-robotics / trajopt

Trajectory Optimization Motion Planner for ROS
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crash when running the examples in tesseract_ros_examples as shown in the README file #420

Closed MiaoDragon closed 3 weeks ago

MiaoDragon commented 1 month ago


Thanks for creating the software. I'm a PhD student working on trajectory optimization for robotic manipulation, and I'm trying to test this solver. I have successfully installed everything into a catkin workspace, and have successfully built it. However, I'm facing crashes when running the example code as shown in the README. For all of the examples, I'm having the error message shown below:

Program: }
[ERROR] [1723244402.148066798]: Hit enter key to continue!
rviz: /usr/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/util/XprHelper.h:113: Eigen::internal::variable_if_dynamic<T, Value>::variable_if_dynamic(T) [with T = long int; int Value = 4]: Assertion `v == T(Value)' failed.
[tesseract_ros_examples_puzzle_piece_example_rviz-4] process has died [pid 167334, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/noetic/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/yinglong/Documents/research/task_motion_planning/non-prehensile-manipulation/trajopt_ws/src/tesseract_ros/tesseract_ros_examples/config/examples.rviz __name:=tesseract_ros_examples_puzzle_piece_example_rviz __log:=/home/yinglong/.ros/log/1b12624e-56a3-11ef-93cd-dde98a0e9465/tesseract_ros_examples_puzzle_piece_example_rviz-4.log].
log file: /home/yinglong/.ros/log/1b12624e-56a3-11ef-93cd-dde98a0e9465/tesseract_ros_examples_puzzle_piece_example_rviz-4*.log

After I turned off rviz, this error message disappeared, but it still crashed with the following message:

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [170271]

setting /run_id to bd11e600-56a3-11ef-93cd-dde98a0e9465
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [170297]
started core service [/rosout]
process[tesseract_ros_examples_pick_and_place_example_node-2]: started with pid [170304]
You can set logging level with TRAJOPT_LOG_THRESH. Valid values: FATAL ERROR WARN INFO DEBUG TRACE. Defaulting to ERROR
[ERROR] [1723244674.636392258]: Hit enter key to continue!

Program: Composite Instruction, Description: Tesseract Composite Instruction
Program: {
Program:   Move Instruction, Move Type: 1, State WP: Pos=    0     0     0 -1.57     0     0     0
, Description: Start Instruction
Program:   Move Instruction, Move Type: 1, Cart WP: xyz=0.15, 0.4, 1.127
, Description: From start to pick Approach
Program:   Move Instruction, Move Type: 0, Cart WP: xyz=0.15, 0.4, 0.977
, Description: Pick Approach
Program: }
Info:    Pick plan
[tesseract_ros_examples_pick_and_place_example_node-2] process has died [pid 170304, exit code -11, cmd /home/yinglong/Documents/research/task_motion_planning/non-prehensile-manipulation/trajopt_ws/devel/lib/tesseract_ros_examples/tesseract_ros_examples_pick_and_place_example_node __name:=tesseract_ros_examples_pick_and_place_example_node __log:=/home/yinglong/.ros/log/bd11e600-56a3-11ef-93cd-dde98a0e9465/tesseract_ros_examples_pick_and_place_example_node-2.log].
log file: /home/yinglong/.ros/log/bd11e600-56a3-11ef-93cd-dde98a0e9465/tesseract_ros_examples_pick_and_place_example_node-2*.log

Below are the messages by screenshot. I'm using the latest version in the master branch for each of the packages. You can find my catkin workspace packages in the screenshot below. Could you help me on this issue and suggest me how to debug it? Thanks and looking forward to your reply!

image image image

Levi-Armstrong commented 1 month ago

Thank you for reporting, I will test and see if I can reproduce.

Levi-Armstrong commented 1 month ago

The example ran for me without any issues. What version are you current running?

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago

The example ran for me without any issues. What version are you current running?

Hi @Levi-Armstrong, I met the same problem while running example providing in ros example. The version of Eigen in my computer is 3.3.7. Is it too old to run example?

Levi-Armstrong commented 1 month ago

What version of the Tessseract/Trajopt software are you running?

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago

What version of the Tessseract/Trajopt software are you running?

I am running on Trajopt 0.23.2 with Eigen 3.3.7.

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago

What version of the Tessseract/Trajopt software are you running?

Other required packages are below TrajOpt's version, around 0.23.1.

MiaoDragon commented 1 month ago

The example ran for me without any issues. What version are you current running?

Hi @Levi-Armstrong I'm using the latest master branch, so 0.23.2. Other tesseract packages are also the latest master branch as for now.

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago

Hi @Levi-Armstrong @MiaoDragon, I have solved this problem by updating my Eigen package from 3.3.7 to 3.3.9 and run all the provided examples.

Levi-Armstrong commented 1 month ago

That is interesting, because I am running 3.3.7. I am not sure if you have time, but it might be worth building in debug and running the example with gdb to see exactly what the issue was.

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago

That is interesting, because I am running 3.3.7. I am not sure if you have time, but it might be worth building in debug and running the example with gdb to see exactly what the issue was.

I‘m currently busy on my work, but I will try to figure out what causes it exactly during my free time. I also tried Eigen 3.3.8, which did not work either. I guess, it's probably because of the way I installed Eigen 3.3.7 using sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev that caused this.

MiaoDragon commented 1 month ago

Hi @Levi-Armstrong @MiaoDragon, I have solved this problem by updating my Eigen package from 3.3.7 to 3.3.9 and run all the provided examples.

@zzzbbs Hi. How did you update Eigen package? Did you update it by installing through apt-get, or did you install it through source? Thanks!

zzzbbs commented 1 month ago

Hi @Levi-Armstrong @MiaoDragon, I have solved this problem by updating my Eigen package from 3.3.7 to 3.3.9 and run all the provided examples.

@zzzbbs Hi. How did you update Eigen package? Did you update it by installing through apt-get, or did you install it through source? Thanks!

I built it from source using the following command.

git clone -b 3.3.9 https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen.git
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
sudo make install
MiaoDragon commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Thanks for @zzzbbs 's suggestion, now I'm able to run the code without error.