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news item on the hermes catalog #31

Closed mrtommyb closed 7 years ago

mrtommyb commented 7 years ago

I'm assigning this to @elisaquintana as she is in the hotseat this week

mrtommyb commented 7 years ago


mrtommyb commented 7 years ago

You also might want to consider pointing users to the TESS-HERMES catalog for their GI proposals. www.physics.usyd.edu.au/tess-hermes/ 2017arXiv170705753S

elisaquintana commented 7 years ago

The TESS-HERMES catalog of spectroscopic stellar parameters is now available

A catalog of spectroscopic stellar parameters for stars in the TESS southern continuous viewing zone (CVZ) is now available and provides a valuable resource for TESS GI proposal preparation. Data taken by the High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element Spectrograph (HERMES) at the Anglo-Australian Telescope, as part of the TESS-HERMES survey, provides (Teff, logg, [Fe/H], vsini, vmicro) for about 16,000 dwarf and subgiant stars with magnitudes 10<V<13.1, along with Bayesian estimates of stellar properties (distance, extinction, mass, radius, and age) using theoretical isochrones. Stellar surface gravity and radius are made available for an additional set of roughly 8,500 red giants. The TESS-HERMES catalog has flagged over a hundred cool dwarfs that were flagged as giant stars in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC).

Details on the TESS-HERMES survey can be found here, which provides links to the catalog (.csv and .fits) and tables describing the content of the catalogs.

The article describing the survey (Sharma et al. 2017) can be found here.

We thank Dennis Stello, Sanjib Sharma, and the HERMES team for providing this information.

elisaquintana commented 7 years ago

^should I be more clear about what vsini and vmicro (etc.) is?

elisaquintana commented 7 years ago

First link is broken, I think, should be: http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/tess-hermes/

elisaquintana commented 7 years ago

Second link should be: https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.05753

mrtommyb commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'll edit a little

mrtommyb commented 7 years ago

The TESS-HERMES catalog of spectroscopic stellar parameters is now available

A catalog of spectroscopic stellar parameters for stars in the TESS southern continuous viewing zone (CVZ) is now available and may prove a useful resource for TESS GI proposal preparation. Data taken by the High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element Spectrograph (HERMES) at the Anglo-Australian Telescope, as part of the TESS-HERMES survey, provides temperate, surface gravity, and metalicity for about 16,000 dwarf and subgiant stars with magnitudes 10<V<13.1, along with Bayesian estimates of stellar properties (distance, extinction, mass, radius, and age) using theoretical isochrones. Stellar surface gravity and radius are made available for an additional set of roughly 8,500 red giants. The TESS-HERMES catalog has identified over a hundred cool dwarfs that were flagged as giant stars in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC).

The TESS-HERMES survey website provides links to the catalog (.csv and .fits) and tables describing the content of the catalogs. While an article describing the survey (Sharma et al. 2017) can be found on the arxiv.

We thank Sanjib Sharma, Dennis Stello, and the HERMES team for their hard work in making this resource available in time for GI Cycle 1.

elisaquintana commented 7 years ago

Use this (corrections):

The TESS-HERMES catalog of spectroscopic stellar parameters is now available

A catalog of spectroscopic stellar parameters for stars in the TESS southern continuous viewing zone (CVZ) is now available and provides a valuable resource for TESS GI proposal preparation. Data taken by the High Efficiency and Resolution Multi-Element Spectrograph (HERMES) at the Anglo-Australian Telescope, as part of the TESS-HERMES survey, provides fundamental stellar parameters for about 16,000 dwarf and subgiant stars with magnitudes 10<V<13.1. Specifically, the effective temperature (Teff), stellar surface gravity (log g), metallicity ([Fe/H]) and rotational velocity (vsini) are provided, along with Bayesian estimates of distance, extinction, mass, radius, and age using theoretical isochrones. Stellar surface gravity and radius are made available for an additional set of roughly 8,500 red giants. The TESS-HERMES catalog has flagged over a hundred cool dwarfs that were flagged as giants in the TESS Input Catalog (TIC).

Details on the TESS-HERMES survey can be found here, which provides links to the catalog (.csv and .fits) and tables describing the content of the catalogs.

The article describing the survey (Sharma et al. 2017) can be found here.

Acknowledgement to Dennis Stello, Sanjib Sharma, and the HERMES team for providing this information.

mrtommyb commented 7 years ago

ok, I pushed the changes