testable-eu / sast-tp-framework

TP-Framework: Testability Pattern Framework for SAST
Apache License 2.0
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[DISCOVERY JS-CPG] Not blocking exception while loading CPG #54

Open compaluca opened 1 year ago

compaluca commented 1 year ago

OUT1: Example in Joern console

joern> importCpg("./out/test.bin")
Creating project `test.bin` for CPG at `./out/test.bin`
Creating working copy of CPG to be safe
Loading base CPG from: /tp-framework/workspace/test.bin/cpg.bin.tmp
Adding default overlays to base CPG
The graph has been modified. You may want to use the `save` command to persist changes to disk.  All changes will also be saved collectively on exit
The graph has been modified. You may want to use the `save` command to persist changes to disk.  All changes will also be saved collectively on exit

java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'scala.Option io.joern.jssrc2cpg.JsSrc2Cpg$.postProcessingPasses$default$2()'

joern> cpg.call("<operator>.fieldAccess").where(n => n.code(".*splice.*")).location.toJson
res1: String = "[{\"node\":{\"name\":\"<operator>.fieldAccess\",\"signature\":\"\",\"code\":\"array.splice\",\"typeFullName\":\"ANY\",\"columnNumber\":8,\"order\":0,\"methodFullName\":\"<operator>.fieldAccess\",\"_label\":\"CALL\",\"argumentIndex\":-1,\"dynamicTypeHintFullName\":[],\"dispatchType\":\"STATIC_DISPATCH\",\"lineNumber\":30,\"id\":132},\"symbol\":\"array.splice\",\"packageName\":\"\",\"nodeLabel\":\"CALL\",\"methodShortName\":\"handleServer\",\"methodFullName\":\"pattern_src_code.js::program:handleServer\",\"lineNumber\":30,\"filename\":\"pattern_src_code.js\",\"classShortName\":\"\",\"className\":\"\"}]"

OUT2: Example as framework command output

# joern --script tp_framework/core/cpgTest.sc --params name="./out/test.bin"
joern --script tp_framework/core/cpgTest.sc --params name="./out/test.bin"
executing /tp-framework/tp_framework/core/cpgTest.sc with params=Map(name -> ./out/test.bin)
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/joern/joern-cli/lib/joernext-querydb-io.joern.ghidra-10.2.3_PUBLIC_20230208.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/opt/joern/joern-cli/lib/org.apache.logging.log4j.log4j-slf4j-impl-2.19.0.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class]
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.helpers.NOPLoggerFactory]
Compiling (synthetic)/ammonite/predef/CodePredef.sc
Compiling /tp-framework/tp_framework/core/cpgTest.sc
Creating project `test.bin1` for CPG at `./out/test.bin`
Creating working copy of CPG to be safe
Loading base CPG from: /tp-framework/workspace/test.bin1/cpg.bin.tmp
Adding default overlays to base CPG
The graph has been modified. You may want to use the `save` command to persist changes to disk.  All changes will also be saved collectively on exit
The graph has been modified. You may want to use the `save` command to persist changes to disk.  All changes will also be saved collectively on exit
Error in CPG generation
script finished successfully
pr0me commented 1 year ago

I think raising an error in the framework is still the right approach. It's possible that we would be fine in some cases, like here, where the error occurs in the post-processing passes.

But if it appears in earlier passes, information on which our queries depend might get lost and it's hard to check that.

compaluca commented 1 year ago

Spotting when the exception was precisely raised can be challenging, especially if we just used the joern cli. Two questions: