It allows users to specify a set of images that should be pulled and retagged, and exposes a hook script mechanism so that more custom implementations can be developed.
build_image: openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
cmd: ./gradlew clean check --info
# Not mandatory; sets up image name 'aliases' by pulling from one registry and tagging
# as a different name. Intended as a simplistic mechanism for using a private registry
# rather than Docker Hub for a known set of images. Accepts a dictionary of
# private registry image name to the Docker Hub image that it is a substitute for.
# Note that all images are pulled synchronously before the build starts, so this is
# inefficient if any unnecessary images are listed.
image_aliases: redis:4.0.6
This is intended to provide a crude solution to for teams using Drone CI.
It allows users to specify a set of images that should be pulled and retagged, and exposes a hook script mechanism so that more custom implementations can be developed.
Note that I believe is by far the better solution, but I believe this provides another option for Drone users who cannot use that approach.
Example usage from README: