testcontainers / testcontainers-python

Testcontainers is a Python library that providing a friendly API to run Docker container. It is designed to create runtime environment to use during your automatic tests.
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what to do with DBContainer - split from removing sqlalchemy dependency #459

Open alexanderankin opened 6 months ago

alexanderankin commented 6 months ago

from https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-python/pull/445#issuecomment-1985436334

After this discussion (with adding _wait_for_ready() and _configure() to the top level class), DBContainer would only contain this: ... Anyway: I would appreciate if this conversation could be moved to a separate issue :-)

jankatins commented 6 months ago

From #445

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class DBContainer(ABC):

    def get_connection_url(self, *, **kwargs): # psycopg v3 cannot handle sqla style URLs, so it needs a driver=None :-(
        """Get a DB connection URL which can be used to connect to the DB."""

    def _create_connection_url( ... as now ...):
        """Helper to create a DB API connection URL."""

I'm not sure if this is worth a extra class in the hierarchy, especially because it's unclear to me if that URL can be useful for all DB container or only the ones which are based on the python DB API (=RDBMS ones, not stuff like mongodb or redis): I've no clue if they also can be connected to with a single URL (kafka can not, I think).

Given that each container would need to implement the method anyway, one could also make _create_connection_url() a pure function and let each container just declare the method themselves...