I'm trying to use testcontiners for tests with static container.
testcontainers = "0.15.0"
rust-version = "1.70.0"
I've chosen std::sync::OnceLock for such purpose. There is my simple code snippet:
use std::sync::OnceLock;
use testcontainers::{clients, core::WaitFor, Container, GenericImage};
static DOCKER_CLI: OnceLock<clients::Cli> = OnceLock::new();
static DOCKER_CONTAINER: OnceLock<Container<'_, GenericImage>> = OnceLock::new();
const DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME: &str = "postgres";
const DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG: &str = "16.0-alpine3.18";
const DB_NAME: &str = "postgres";
const DB_USER: &str = "postgres";
const DB_PASSWORD: &str = "postgres";
fn get_static_container() -> &'static Container<'static, GenericImage> {
let cli = DOCKER_CLI.get_or_init(clients::Cli::default);
DOCKER_CONTAINER.get_or_init(|| {
let image = GenericImage::new(DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME, DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG)
.with_env_var("POSTGRES_DB".to_string(), DB_NAME)
.with_env_var("POSTGRES_USER".to_string(), DB_USER)
.with_env_var("POSTGRES_PASSWORD".to_string(), DB_PASSWORD)
.with_wait_for(WaitFor::message_on_stdout("database system is ready to accept connections"));
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn test_async() {
let _container = get_static_container();
// `true` to `false` doesn't matter, container will be alive after test
assert!(true, "test finished");
fn test_sync() {
let _container = get_static_container();
// `true` to `false` doesn't matter, container will be alive after test
assert!(true, "test finished");
But it doesn't work properly. The static initialized container is still alive after tests are finished. I've tested it with the whole test file and both testcases separately
Am I doing something wrong testcontainers or OnceLock ?
Hello for everyone!
I'm trying to use
for tests with static container.I've chosen
for such purpose. There is my simple code snippet:But it doesn't work properly. The static initialized container is still alive after tests are finished. I've tested it with the whole test file and both testcases separately
Am I doing something wrong