testcontainers / testcontainers-rs

A library for integration-testing against docker containers from within Rust.
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Single container start for whole integration test file #707

Open Tockra opened 1 month ago

Tockra commented 1 month ago


I'm writing integration tests in Rust, where I want to test the HTTP endpoints of my application. For this purpose, I need to mock the Keycloak login server, as I did not build a test mode into my application. To achieve this, I decided to start a real Keycloak server for my integration tests to ensure everything works as expected. The same I did for the database.

To do this, I need to start a Docker container with a specific image and run some setup scripts. However, starting a Docker container for each test is time-consuming, specially the keycloak auth container needs 10 seconds to receive connections, so I want to start a single auth container for all tests in a file. So 10 test methods needs only to wait one time for keycloak and not 10 times (10 x 10 seconds = 100 seconds test execution).

Previously, I found a solution that worked for a long time but now does not:

use ctor::{ctor, dtor};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::debug;
use mongodb::{
    bson::{doc, oid::ObjectId},
    options::{ClientOptions, UpdateModifications},
    Client, Collection,
use serde::Serialize;
use std::{env, thread};
use testcontainers::runners::AsyncRunner;
use testcontainers::{core::Mount, ContainerRequest, GenericImage, ImageExt};
use tokio::sync::Notify;

use common::{channel, execute_blocking, Channel, ContainerCommands};
#[path = "../common/mod.rs"]
pub mod common;

lazy_static! {
    static ref MONGODB_IN: Channel<ContainerCommands> = channel();
    static ref MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING: Channel<String> = channel();
    static ref RUN_FINISHED: Notify = Notify::new();

fn on_startup() {
    thread::spawn(|| {
        // This needs to be here otherwise the MongoDB container did not call the drop function before the application stops

fn on_shutdown() {

async fn clean_up() {

    // Wait until Docker is successfully stopped
    debug!("MongoDB stopped.")

async fn start_mongodb() {
    let mongodb = get_mongodb_image().start().await.unwrap();
    let port = mongodb.get_host_port_ipv4(27017).await.unwrap();
    debug!("MongoDB started on port {}", port);
    let mut rx = MONGODB_IN.rx.lock().await;
    while let Some(command) = rx.recv().await {
        debug!("Received container command: {:?}", command);
        match command {
            ContainerCommands::FetchConnectionString => MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING
                .send(format!("mongodb://localhost:{}", port))
            ContainerCommands::Stop => {

fn get_mongodb_image() -> ContainerRequest<GenericImage> {
    let mount = Mount::bind_mount(
    GenericImage::new("mongo", "7.0.7")
        .with_cmd(["mongod", "--replSet", "rs0", "--bind_ip", ""])

fn get_current_absolute_path() -> String {
    match env::current_exe() {
        Ok(path) => {
            let path_str = path.to_string_lossy().into_owned();
        Err(_) => "/".to_string(),

pub async fn get_mongodb_connection_string() -> String {

This code is placed in the db_container module. When I use mod db_container in my integration test files, it sets up and starts the container for all tests in the current file. Using get_mongodb_connection_string(), I can get the connection string to feed into my application.

However, I now receive this error on dtor:

thread '<unnamed>' panicked at library/std/src/thread/mod.rs:741:19:
use of std::thread::current() is not possible after the thread's local data has been destroyed
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
fatal runtime error: failed to initiate panic, error 5

The problem appears to be the clean_up() function, which causes this error even when its content is empty.

I'm reaching out to see if anyone using the testcontainers crate has a smart solution for this issue. Any insights or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

DDtKey commented 1 month ago

Hi @Tockra 👋

I think proper solution requires support of https://github.com/testcontainers/testcontainers-rs/issues/577 So this should allow to define static/oncecell containers.

For now I have one workaround in mind, not ideal - but it should work. I'll share a bit later.

Also you could consider custom test harness (or some ready ones), e.g: https://www.infinyon.com/blog/2021/04/rust-custom-test-harness/

Tockra commented 1 month ago

Okay thank you. I'm looking forward to your solution.

Currently I have this solution:

static KEYCLOAK: OnceCell<(ContainerAsync<GenericImage>, String)> = OnceCell::const_new();

async fn start_auth_container() -> &'static (ContainerAsync<GenericImage>, String) {
        .get_or_init(|| async { start_keycloak_container().await })

async fn test1(
) {
    let keycloak = start_auth_container().await;

    println!("{:?}", keycloak.1);
    //let app = start_app("some").await;

async fn test2(
) {
    let keycloak = start_auth_container().await;

    println!("{:?}", keycloak.1);
    //let app = start_app("some").await;

async fn test3(
) {
    let keycloak = start_auth_container().await;

    println!("{:?}", keycloak.1);
    //let app = start_app("some").await;

But the problem is, that the containers does not stop after the test suite execution, which is very annoying.

DDtKey commented 1 month ago

As a quick workaround, you might consider using something like this (your code was used for demonstration):

static KEYCLOAK: OnceLock<Mutex<Weak<(ContainerAsync<GenericImage>, String)>>> = OnceLock::new();

async fn start_auth_container() -> Arc<ContainerAsync<GenericImage>, String> {
        let mut guard = KEYCLOAK
            .get_or_init(|| Mutex::new(Weak::new()))

        if let Some(container) = guard.upgrade() {
        } else {
            let container = Arc::new(start_keycloak_container().await);
            *guard = Arc::downgrade(&client);


There are main points:

The issue with this approach: it depends on the parallelism of the tests, when executed sequentially, a new container will be created each time.

Tockra commented 1 month ago

Hm okay. For the beginning this looks nice. But I don't really understand what you mean with " it depends on the parallelism of the tests," . Currently I've 3 tests annotated with tokio::test and all these tests causes a new docker container. But this is far away from my ideal solution, because I explicitly want only one container !?

DDtKey commented 1 month ago

But I don't really understand what you mean with " it depends on the parallelism of the tests,"

I meant that if these tests are run concurrently, then in this case they will only use 1 instance of the container with the proposed solution. Because there is an active Arc and a Weak can be upgraded.

But on the other hand, if you run with --test-threads=1 or the tests for some reason have long pauses between them - they will most likely start a new container each time.

But usually (and by default) tests are executed in parallel, so this solution should be suitable for most cases, until the resource reaper is completed.

rosvit commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I've ran into the same issue and I can confirm that @DDtKey's solution using OnceLock/Weak is working for parallel tests.

Regarding the first proposed solution using OnceCell:

But the problem is, that the containers does not stop after the test suite execution, which is very annoying.

If you need serial test execution using #[serial], workaround could be to forcibly stop and remove docker container in #[dtor]:

static CONTAINER: OnceCell<ContainerAsync<GenericImage>> = OnceCell::const_new();

// get_or_init of CONTAINER as you have in your snippet

fn on_shutdown() {
    let container_id = CONTAINER.get().map(|c| c.id())
        .expect("failed to get container id");
        .args(["container", "rm", "-f", container_id])
        .expect("failed to stop testcontainer");
Tockra commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I've ran into the same issue and I can confirm that @DDtKey's solution using OnceLock/Weak is working for parallel tests.

Regarding the first proposed solution using OnceCell:

But the problem is, that the containers does not stop after the test suite execution, which is very annoying.

If you need serial test execution using #[serial], workaround could be to forcibly stop and remove docker container in #[dtor]:

static CONTAINER: OnceCell<ContainerAsync<GenericImage>> = OnceCell::const_new();

// get_or_init of CONTAINER as you have in your snippet

fn on_shutdown() {
    let container_id = CONTAINER.get().map(|c| c.id())
        .expect("failed to get container id");
        .args(["container", "rm", "-f", container_id])
        .expect("failed to stop testcontainer");

Thank you rosvit. Your solution is perfect for my usecase. Because we don't use a async call here, everything works fine. Before I ran with dtor into https://github.com/mmastrac/rust-ctor/issues/304 but without using tokio async stuff it works ;)

symbx commented 2 weeks ago

Another WA is to make cleanup synchronous without manual calls to docker.

Tockra commented 1 week ago
fn clean_up() {


symbx commented 1 week ago

It's same as

In my case RUN_FINISHED uses same channel type, i didn't check on possibility of using blocking for tokio::sync::Notify