testdotai / appium-classifier-plugin

Apache License 2.0
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tf.fromPixels() is renamed to tf.browser.fromPixels(),You can disable deprecation warnings with tf.disableDeprecationWarnings(). #22

Closed BSudheerR closed 5 years ago

BSudheerR commented 5 years ago

Hi All , facing the following issue , while locating the element with ai.

[debug] [WD Proxy] Got response with status 200: "{\"sessionId\":\"5b49b524-d285-4e48-a12b-e74bd1e1bea3\",\"status\":0,\"value\":\"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAtAAAAXwCAYAAAB7XHwkAAAABHNCSVQICAgIfAhkiAAAIABJREFU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\ngOSL11DX1NDRTQMAxCydB6+e7vj+58OwsrLE44+MwytL5uCNdz\... [ai] Turning screenshot into HTML image for use with canvas [ai] Getting screenshot slices for each element [ai] Making label predictions based on element images tf.loadFrozenModel() is going away. Use tf.loadGraphModel() instead, and note the positional argument changes. You can disable deprecation warnings with tf.disableDeprecationWarnings().

============================ Hi there 👋. Looks like you are running TensorFlow.js in Node.js. To speed things up dramatically, install our node backend, which binds to TensorFlow C++, by running npm i @tensorflow/tfjs-node, or npm i @tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu if you have CUDA. Then call require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node'); (-gpu suffix for CUDA) at the start of your program. Visit https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-node for more details.

tf.fromPixels() is renamed to tf.browser.fromPixels(), please switch to the new method as the old method will be removed in TensorFlow.js 1.0. You can disable deprecation warnings with tf.disableDeprecationWarnings().

[ai] Predictions for 29 element(s) took 345.222 seconds [ai] Found 0 matching elements [ai] Resetting element response attribute setting to original value: "" [UiAutomator2] Forwarding the following settings to the UiAutomator2 server: ["elementResponseAttributes"] [debug] [WD Proxy] Matched '/appium/settings' to command name 'updateSettings'

jlipps commented 5 years ago

@BSudheerR i don't see any issues here in the log, other than the warning from tensorflow, which isn't fatal. but it does suggest maybe something wasn't installed correctly, since @tensorflow/tjfs-node is indeed a dependency of this project, and is required here

BSudheerR commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jlipps . npm i @tensorflow/tfjs-node solves my problems. Also This one "[ai] Found 0 matching elements" is because the cart element which i am trying is unable to find my plug in , even after changing the matching confidence to 0.1 , Not sure if it is issue with model or cart Image matching .. HOwever I could able to match with other elements and perform Action.

jlipps commented 5 years ago

OK, good to know. Thanks!