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Writing browser automation tests with JavaScript-based tools #8

Open searls opened 8 years ago

searls commented 8 years ago

There are lots of tools for writing Browser-automation tests in JavaScript, some integrating with test libs like mocha/jasmine/qunit, some that roll their own DSLs. Some examples:

I have project experience with most of these and can offer some advice and help on which to use (and why I currently tend to use none of them, in favor of Ruby & Capybara). That said, there are some interesting conversations to be had:

sarkasm commented 8 years ago


vjmurphy commented 8 years ago


cselemon commented 8 years ago


ravirkulkarni commented 8 years ago


ianjmacintosh commented 8 years ago


jphennessey commented 8 years ago


ericgrigorian commented 8 years ago


bgcarroll commented 8 years ago


ubalusamy commented 8 years ago


sheeralal commented 8 years ago


mcushman commented 8 years ago


brianDoherty commented 8 years ago


gmelville commented 8 years ago


ghost commented 8 years ago


akotagiri commented 8 years ago


vinayanuthakki commented 8 years ago


treshma commented 8 years ago


gcweiske commented 8 years ago


jnguyen72 commented 8 years ago
