testdouble / jasmine-rails

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ConsoleReporter displays "failure" message (yet exits with status code 0) if tests are marked as pending #111

Closed laser closed 10 years ago

laser commented 10 years ago


The reportRunnerResults method on the ConsoleReporter computes the total number of failed specs thusly:

proto.reportRunnerResults = proto.jasmineDone = function(runner) {
  var failed = this.executed_specs - this.passed_specs;
  // ...

Since the executed_specs property is incremented via a call to specDone (from jasmine.js) when a spec is run, the value of failed will be non-zero if any specs had a status not equal to passed. The code in jasmine-runner.js, however, passes PhantomJS a status code of 1 only if one or more specs have been marked as failed. This combination causes the test suite to pass (from a status code perspective) while the ConsoleReporter displays a failure message.

if(jsApiReporter.specs) {
  jsApiReporter.specs().forEach(function(spec) {
    if(spec.status === "failed") {
      exitCode = 1;

setTimeout(function() {
    event: 'exit',
    exitCode: exitCode
}, 1);


This patch introduces a new status skipped_or_pending and corresponding counter that is incremented when specDone is called and the spec has not been marked as a success or failure. The value of failed consumes the value of this counter. The final message displayed to the user now communicates if any tests were pending or skipped.