testdriven / psi-probe

Advanced manager and monitor for Apache Tomcat, forked from Lambda Probe
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Can't deploy when context is defined in server.xml #374

Closed padcom closed 9 years ago

padcom commented 9 years ago

From tony.wes...@googlemail.com on September 24, 2013 16:43:49

The following error causes us problems, as the development environment that the webapp is running in (Dev/QA/Live), is stored as a Parameter inside the context of the webapp. It means our webapp is able to work out what configuration it should be using at runtime, rather than have a seperate build for each environment. What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Specify a in server.xml. Restart.

  1. Attempt to deploy to mypath. Error
  2. Attempt to deploy to mypath, specify "Update the application if it is already deployed". Error What is the expected result? Contexts in web.xml should not prevent web application from being deployed. What happens instead? Error - Context mypath is already in use. What version of Probe are you using? 2.3.3 What environment (browser version, Tomcat version, JVM version, server OS)? Tomcat 7, OpenJDK 6

Original issue: http://code.google.com/p/psi-probe/issues/detail?id=374

padcom commented 9 years ago

From tony.wes...@googlemail.com on September 24, 2013 07:46:51

Apologies, the above should be:

What is the expected result? Contexts in server.xml should not prevent web application from being deployed.

padcom commented 9 years ago

From MALfunct...@gmail.com on September 25, 2013 10:19:57

When you deploy, are you checking the option for "Update the application if it is already deployed"?

Summary: Can't deploy when context is defined in server.xml (was: Cant deploy when context is defined in server.xml)
Status: NeedInfo

padcom commented 9 years ago

From tony.wes...@googlemail.com on September 27, 2013 03:50:14


I attach a screen movie showing the bug in version 2.3.2. However it is also present in the current 2.3.3 version.

Attachment: psiprobe.mp4

padcom commented 9 years ago

From MALfunct...@gmail.com on September 30, 2013 06:49:40

How do your normally redeploy? Tomcat manager?

padcom commented 9 years ago

From tony.wes...@googlemail.com on September 30, 2013 11:15:33

At the moment, 1) Undeploy the old version (this works with probe) 2) FTP the war file to the tomcat webapps directory. Then unzip 3) start the app in probe by clicking 'down'

padcom commented 9 years ago

From tony.wes...@googlemail.com on September 30, 2013 11:56:26

I think this bug can be closed. I just received this from a tomcat maintainer:

"By design, if a Context is defined in server.xml then that context is excluded from the auto deployment process so neither an xml file in the config base nor an XML file in the WAR (or a directory) is considered."

So, from this, I am guessing that apps cant be autodeployed.

padcom commented 9 years ago

From MALfunct...@gmail.com on October 02, 2013 05:55:16

Yeah, I suspected that might be the case. That's certainly not something PSI Probe can change.

Status: WontFix