Open qchuchu opened 1 year ago
What version of vitest, and where is the import statement located for @testing-library/jest-dom/vitest?
fwiw this is happening to me in Jest too.
ah sorry I thought that I added the vitest version.
Vitest -> 0.34.2
I added the import statement in the vitest.setup.ts file (that is pointed from my vite.config.ts like this)
/// <reference types="vitest" />
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react-swc';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
test: {
globals: true,
environment: 'jsdom',
setupFiles: ['test/vitest.setup.ts'],
include: ['**/?(*.)test.ts?(x)'],
@qchuchu Have you added test/vitest.setup.ts
to your tsconfig.json file? You might also need to add the global vitest types reference to that file.
/// <reference types="vitest" />
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest`;
"compilerOptions": {},
"include": ["src", "test/vitest.setup.ts"]
So it does work by adding the setup file in the tsconfig.json, but only if I stay with the original configuration
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
If I add /vitest at the end, i'm facing the issue again.
Hmm, I think that's because you're using Vitest in "globals" mode. There isn't really a difference between what you have now and using /vitest
, which was designed for the default non-globals mode, so if this works for you I say go with it.
Getting this error trying to import
// setup.ts
import matchers from '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
File '/Users/x/y/node_modules/@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest.d.ts' is not a module.ts(2306)
is adding the setup file to the tsconfig the only way to get this to work? I'm using a monorepo where the vitest config is created in a separate package and the consuming applications/libraries have it like this in their vitest.config.ts
import {defineVitestConfig} from 'shared-workspace-vitest-setup';
export default defineVitestConfig({
// custom options here that get merged with the default config
// default config contains a setupFile adding dom matchers
i don't really want to add something like ../../packages/vitest-config/setupFile.js
to every package tsconfig just for this, if that even works because the file is outside of the tsconfig parent dir....
Instead of including the setup file in the tsconfig, you can reference it directly in tsconfig compilerOptions.types
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest"]
or put it in a .d.ts file that's included like src/jest-dom-types.d.ts
/// <reference types="@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest.d.ts" />
Getting this error trying to import
// setup.ts import matchers from '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
File '/Users/x/y/node_modules/@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest.d.ts' is not a module.ts(2306)
Matchers are not exported from the vitest
export. If you want to import matchers, use this:
import * as matchers from '@testing-library/jest-dom/matchers'
Or if you want to automatically extend Vitest's expect, do this:
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest'
@dominikg Thanks for pointing out the alternate ways of getting the types recognized by TS. We should probably add that to the readme.
fwiw this is happening to me in Jest too.
I can also confirm this is also happening with Jest as well. Don't know how to handle those errors yet :(
For those using Jest, make sure you are importing like this:
import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
Many people are using an older deprecated /extend-expect
import that was removed in v6.
Thanks @jgoz I can confirm this fixes the issue for me.
@jgoz Sorry for asking help in this issue, i was checking my setup files and i see that i'm importing almost the same way as the library's documentation:
I have a .setup folder that groups some mocks globally, and also the import '@testing-library/jest-dom
This is my setupFilesAfterEnv
property in jest.config.js:
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/.jest/setup.ts']
You have any suggestion of what might be causing my errors? When i'm importing on each test, the errors goes away (of course this is a solution, but would be better for me importing this globally in the setup hehe)
I found one possible solution, in my case, i tried to create e second setup file outside this folder (just in the root dir normally), and mentioned in the jest config file, and it worked! But, following my old setup file, can't it be inside any folder anymore?
@DeveloperMatheus Is your setup file included in tsconfig.json? Like, in the includes
or files
@jgoz It's like this:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src",
"paths": {
"~/*": ["*"]
"target": "es5",
"lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
"allowJs": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"strict": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"noEmit": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"module": "esnext",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"isolatedModules": true,
"jsx": "preserve",
"incremental": false
"include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
It doesn't have the files property
EDIT: My setup file is linked in my jest.config.js
@DeveloperMatheus it might be because your setup file is in a .jest
folder. Typescript might not automatically include files in dot-folders even if they match an include pattern. Try creating a files
property next to include and explicitly list the setup file:
"include": [...],
"files": [".jest/setup.ts"]
@jgoz Many many many thanks for your help! It worked!
I think depending on how you import expect may cause this issue to occur. For instance my import looks like
import { expect } from 'vitest';
and below is a SS of what the type def points to
instead of the above if I do then typescript finds the functions defined by jest-dom. Not sure if both need to be defined depending on how expect is being imported by the user?
So while adding import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
to my setup for vitest (0.34.3) does prevent TS from giving an error, removing it gives me a slightly different error:
Property toBeInTheDocument does not exist on type Assertion<HTMLElement>
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
This is my current setupTests.ts
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
import createFetchMock from 'vitest-fetch-mock';
import { afterEach, vi } from 'vitest';
import { cleanup } from '@testing-library/react';
export const fetchMocker = createFetchMock(vi);
afterEach(() => {
I've tried with both import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
and import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
and JUST import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
I'm starting to think it might be something to do with yarn PnP and WebStorm. I have updated TS, ensured I only import /vitest and my IDE still shows errors.
Interestingly the tests still pass despite the error.
And setupTests.ts
is included in your tsconfig.json file, either via include
or files
Also using pnpm, I'm getting the type error Property toBeInTheDocument does not exist on type Assertion<HTMLElement>
The tests pass, but still get the typescript error when typechecking.
import { installGlobals } from '@remix-run/node';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
tsconfig includes test/setup-test-env.ts
"include": ["remix.env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", "test/setup-test-env.ts"],
"compilerOptions": {
"lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ES2019"],
"isolatedModules": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"resolveJsonModule": true,
"target": "ES2019",
"strict": true,
"allowJs": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"~/*": ["./app/*"]
"types": ["vitest/globals"],
// Remix takes care of building everything in `remix build`.
"noEmit": true
Hey guys, I also ran into the same issue but finally got a working setup with v6.1.3, vitest 0.34.6 and pnpm. I have a React project created by Vite.
My setup:
// src/__tests__/extend-expect.ts
import "@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest";
Remember to add the above to vite.config.ts
// src/vitest.d.ts
import { type TestingLibraryMatchers } from "@testing-library/jest-dom/matchers";
import {
type Assertion,
type AsymmetricMatchersContaining,
type expect,
} from "vitest";
type CustomMatchers<R = unknown> = TestingLibraryMatchers<
ReturnType<typeof expect.stringContaining>,
declare module "vitest" {
interface Assertion<T = unknown> extends CustomMatchers<T> {}
interface AsymmetricMatchersContaining extends CustomMatchers {}
For tsconfig.json
, there were no additional changes. I did not add the extend-expect file into include
(Vite already added src
I think the problem is that the types being shipped for @testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
just doesn't match with Vitest's own official docs of how to extend the types.
To make it work if you are using the vitest:
file with content inside import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest'
file inside vitest.config.ts
, for example: setupFiles: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../setupTests.ts'),
"files": ["../../setupTests.ts"]
into the tsconfig.json
fileSo it does work by adding the setup file in the tsconfig.json, but only if I stay with the original configuration
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
If I add /vitest at the end, i'm facing the issue again.
Had the same issue and can confirm this. When having "globals" set to true
(in vite.config.ts
), I need to import from @testing-library/jest-dom
instead of @testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
to make TypeScript happy.
But after taking a look into docs from vitest config for globals, I saw that you need to add vitest/globals
to compilerOptions\types
property. I did not had that and added it now. With that the import from @testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
works without troubles
So it does work by adding the setup file in the tsconfig.json, but only if I stay with the original configuration
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
If I add /vitest at the end, i'm facing the issue again.
Had the same issue and can confirm this. When having "globals" set to
), I need to import from@testing-library/jest-dom
instead of@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
to make TypeScript happy.But after taking a look into docs from vitest config for globals, I saw that you need to add
property. I did not had that and added it now. With that the import from@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
works without troubles
Thank you!! I can confirm this also worked for me!
Just bumped in this issue. For me, after following the setup instructions found on the testing-library docs, I also had to add jsdom types: npm i -D @types/testing-library__jest-dom
, then it worked.
create a setupTest.ts file in src folder and add import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
In vitest.config.ts file
import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
test: {
globals: true,
environment: 'jsdom',
setupFiles: ['./src/setupTests.ts'],
coverage: {
provider: 'v8'
And finally install types/testing-library. This worked for me
According to the comments above, import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
can fix this error.
So this error can be fixed by using the TypeScript's Triple-Slash Directive:
/// <reference types="@testing-library/jest-dom" />
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest'
Update: PR #589 can also solve this problem.
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^6.4.2", "@testing-library/react": "^14.2.2", "vitest": "^1.4.0"
i have one project create with next.js and it was enough to create a setup.ts and add vitest.config setupFiles But in second project which started with vite i have identical versions as above and this approach didn't work i have to manually create global.d.ts with :
import '@testing-library/jest-dom';
declare global {
namespace jest {
interface Matchers<R> {
toBeInTheDocument(): R;
can't tell why it worked in first , but didn't in second and also tests were working fine even before adding , i just had vscode to tell me that toBeInTheDocument doesn't exist. and also i checked other mathers from jest-dom without global.d.ts they were working fine, somehow it only affects toBeInTheDocument
@RinalinDS I just ran into this same issue this morning! Try this:
import * as matchers from '@testing-library/jest-dom/matchers';
import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
import { cleanup } from '@testing-library/react';
import { afterEach, expect } from 'vitest';
afterEach(() => {
The import '@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest';
bit took me a while to find.
To get vscode to "get in the van", so to speak, I had to run yarn dlx @yarnpkg/sdks vscode
, edit my vscode workspace json to add this setting: typescript.tsdk": ".yarn/sdks/typescript/lib"
, and restart.
To make it work if you are using the vitest:
Wanna give this a bump, as this is still unresolved in my codebase (using the latest versions)
Wanna give this a bump, as this is still unresolved in my codebase (using the latest versions)
I actually resolved my issue. For those wondering, I had jest globals enabled in my project for some reason so i was never actually importing / using Vitest. I'd check to see if you're experiencing the same problem
After upgrading Vitest to v2.1 and this lib to v6.6 I ran into this problem again. For reference I do not use vitest in globals mode, so more things broke after the upgrade.
This is what worked for me:
/// <reference types="@testing-library/jest-dom" />
import { expect } from "vitest";
import * as extensions from "@testing-library/jest-dom/matchers";
Importing the vitest sub-module of this library to augment TS just did not work for me.
Ran into the same issue.
Create a vitest.setup.ts
and add import "@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest";
somewhere at the top of the file.
Include the file in your vitest config.
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
test: {
environment: "jsdom",
setupFiles: "vitest.setup.ts",
To resolve type errors in your test files e.g.
Property 'toBeInTheDocument' does not exist on type 'Assertion<HTMLElement>'.
add "@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest"
to your types in your tsconfig.
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest"],
version: 6.0.0node
version: 18.16npm
) version: 9.5.1Relevant code or config:
What you did:
Upgraded from v5 to v6
What happened:
I don't know why, but upgrading the package to the last version using vitest caused all my "toBeInTheDocument" matchers to be undefined, although I can see them in the type definition of the package.
Problem description:
Suggested solution:
I guess this is due to an upgrade on the dependency of jest types but I'm not sure. Still digging.