Closed kyrylsherstobaiev closed 5 months ago
"devDependencies": { "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^6.4.5", "@testing-library/react": "^15.0.7", "@testing-library/user-event": "^14.5.2", "@types/react": "^18.3.1", "@types/react-dom": "^18.3.0", "@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.2.1", "jsdom": "^24.0.0", "prettier": "3.2.5", "sass": "^1.76.0", "vite": "^5.2.11", "vitest": "^1.6.0" }
import { ToastCustom } from "./ToastCustom.jsx"; import React, { useRef } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; function ContainerHandleToast({ timeout }) { const toastRef = useRef(null); const handleToast = () => { toastRef.current.showToast("Hello"); }; return ( <div className="container-toast" data-testid="container-toast"> <ToastCustom ref={toastRef} timeout={timeout} data-testid="toast-element" /> <button onClick={handleToast}>Show Toast</button> </div> ); } ContainerHandleToast.propTypes = { timeout: PropTypes.number, }; export { ContainerHandleToast };
import React, { forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, useState } from "react"; import PropTypes from "prop-types"; import classNames from "classnames"; const ToastCustom = forwardRef( ({ timeout = 2000, className, ...props }, ref) => { const [show, setShow] = useState(false); const [messageText, setMessage] = useState(""); const classes = classNames("toast-message", className, { show: show }); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ showToast(message = "") { setShow(true); setMessage(message); setTimeout(() => { setShow(false); }, timeout); }, })); return ( <div className={classes} {...props}> {messageText} </div> ); }, ); ToastCustom.propTypes = { timeout: PropTypes.number, className: PropTypes.string, }; export { ToastCustom };
import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest"; import {act, render, screen, waitFor} from "@testing-library/react"; import { userEvent } from "@testing-library/user-event"; import { ContainerHandleToast } from "./ContainerHandleToast"; describe("<ToastCustom/>", () => { it("renders without crash", () => { render(<ContainerHandleToast />); const containerToast = screen.getByTestId("container-toast", {}); const toastElement = screen.getByTestId("toast-element", {}); expect(containerToast).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(toastElement).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it("should be appeared toast", async () => { vi.useFakeTimers(); const user = userEvent.setup(); render(<ContainerHandleToast />); await"button", { name: /show toast/i })); expect(screen.getByTestId("toast-element", {})).toHaveClass("show"); await waitFor(async () => { await vi.advanceTimersByTime(2000); // ---- CATCH BAG ----- }); expect(screen.getByTestId("toast-element", {})).not.toHaveClass("show"); }); });
.toast-message { transform: translateY(-500px); z-index: 100; &.show { transform: translateY(0px); }
It catchs the error at this lines!
await waitFor(async () => { await vi.advanceTimersByTime(2000); // ---- CATCH BAG ----- }); expect(screen.getByTestId("toast-element", {})).not.toHaveClass("show");
JSX files:
Problem description:
It catchs the error at this lines!