testing-library / vue-testing-library

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Vue testing library depends on vuex and vue-router types #187

Closed sapagat closed 3 years ago

sapagat commented 3 years ago

Hi there! For my surprise importing the @testing-library/vue module raises a compilation error due to a dependency with vue-router and vuex.

 ERROR  Failed to compile with 2 errors

These dependencies were not found:

* vue-router in ./node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist/vue-testing-library.js
* vuex in ./node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist/vue-testing-library.js

To install them, you can run: npm install --save vue-router vuex
  [=========================] 100% (completed)

 WEBPACK  Failed to compile with 2 error(s)

Error in ./node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist/vue-testing-library.js

  Module not found: 'vue-router' in '/home/sam/sandbox/opencocos/app/node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist'

Error in ./node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist/vue-testing-library.js

  Module not found: 'vuex' in '/home/sam/sandbox/opencocos/app/node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist'

I've tried installing both dependencies and test pass, but I believe it shouldn't be mandatory in order to run tests, right?

Notice: I'm not using Jest. I'm running tests with Mocha.

afontcu commented 3 years ago

Hi! Yes it does, because VTL accepts a routes and store objects, which autoloads Router and Vuex: https://github.com/testing-library/vue-testing-library/blob/master/src/vue-testing-library.js#L36-L49

I once thought that they should be listed as peerDeps, but since they are only required if these keys are there… 

sapagat commented 3 years ago

I've double checked and no routes nor store are passed to the render method. It may be a webpack issue that detects the packages being required?

I've bypassed the issue by requiring both packages in order to use VTL. I believe it should be optional, and currently it isn't. Don't know how to solve it... =(

afontcu commented 3 years ago

Hm, can you share the test that makes both deps fail?

vfritzon commented 3 years ago


I think I've run into this issue as well.

I get

ERROR in [...]/node_modules/@testing-library/vue/types/index.d.ts(5,35):

5:35 Cannot find module 'vuex' or its corresponding type declarations.

    3 | import Vue, {ComponentOptions} from 'vue'

    4 | import {ThisTypedMountOptions, VueClass} from '@vue/test-utils'

  > 5 | import {Store, StoreOptions} from 'vuex'

      |                                   ^

    6 | import Router, {RouteConfig} from 'vue-router'

    7 | // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies

    8 | import {

in a ts project that does not have a dependency on vuex. It builds if I add vuex as dep.

K-Schaeffer-LOG commented 3 years ago

Having similtar issue with vue-router. The project doesnt have a dependency on it, still the following error happens on build:

6:35 Cannot find module 'vue-router' or its corresponding type declarations.
    4 | import {ThisTypedMountOptions, VueClass} from '@vue/test-utils'
    5 | import {Store, StoreOptions} from 'vuex'
  > 6 | import Router, {RouteConfig} from 'vue-router'
      |                                   ^
    7 | // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
    8 | import {
    9 |   queries,
K-Schaeffer-LOG commented 3 years ago

I just added vue-router as a development dependency and the build went fine. This is a workaround, but It's not a good one.. We might need a fix to the root cause.

afontcu commented 3 years ago

Looks like it is due to VTL types making use of TS definitions from both Router and Vuex. Not sure how to fix this one – maybe simply copy&pasting these types from both libraries into VTL, so that the dependency can go?


afontcu commented 3 years ago

Took a look, and types we're getting from Vuex and Vue Router are quite complex and verbose. We'd be copy&pasting a huge chunk of Router/Vuex types… not entirely sure this is benefitial over installing two deps (that could be defined as devDep).


K-Schaeffer commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure If all types are needed, we might add a few to stop the error and that's It.

But I'm not sure, as far as I see VTL shouldn't rely on those types in any way.

afontcu commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure If all types are needed, we might add a few to stop the error and that's It.

Wouldn't that generate several warnings on loose types if we change the complex ones to any, for instance? no-unsafe-assignment or no-unsafe-call being some of them.

as far as I see VTL shouldn't rely on those types in any way

Would you define store and routes as any (or anything similar) and call it a day?

afontcu commented 3 years ago

Is there a best way? I really don't want to copy and maintain a ton of Router/Vuex types, and loosen them up doesn't feel right, either: https://github.com/testing-library/vue-testing-library/pull/246

KushibikiMashu commented 2 years ago

I use @testing-library/vue@^5.8.2, but this error still occurs when I build storybook with @storybookjs/testing-vue.

ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vuex' in '/Users/kushibiki/src/github.com/frontend-base-kit/node_modules/@testing-library/vue/dist'
ERR!     at /Users/kushibiki/src/github.com/frontend-base-kit/node_modules/@storybook/builder-webpack5/node_modules/webpack/lib/Compilation.js:1935:28

I installed vuex and vue-router as devDependencies and the error was fixed.

Although PR was already merged, I'm not sure why this still happens.