IAnnotationTransformer called once per method. (version 6.X)
Actual behavior
IAnnotationTransformer called 15 times per method. (version > 7.X)
Is the issue reproductible on runner?
[x ] Maven
[x ] Eclipse
Test case sample
Create a retry listener. Create one test using the listener.
Here is my listener:
public class RetryListener implements IAnnotationTransformer {
protected static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger();
private static int executedNrOfTimes = 0;
public static void reset() {
executedNrOfTimes = 0;
public void transform(ITestAnnotation annotation, Class testClass, Constructor testConstructor,
Method testMethod) {
log.debug("Setting Retry for " + testMethod.getDeclaringClass().getTypeName() + "."
+ testMethod.getName());
// ---- 6.X
IRetryAnalyzer retry = annotation.getRetryAnalyzer();
/* // ---- 7.X
Class<? extends IRetryAnalyzer> retry = annotation.getRetryAnalyzerClass();
if (retry.equals(DisabledRetryAnalyzer.class)) {
public static int getEexecutedNrOfTimes() {
return executedNrOfTimes;
Here is my test
public void testHellowWorldRetryBug() {
// Rampup
TestNG myTestNG = new TestNG();
TestListenerAdapter tla = new TestListenerAdapter();
myTestNG.addListener((ITestNGListener) tla);
XmlSuite mySuite = new XmlSuite();
mySuite.setName("Automated Suite Retry");
List<XmlSuite> mySuites = new ArrayList<XmlSuite>();
// Set the list of Suites to the testNG object you created earlier.
// Add listeners
// Create an instance of XmlTest and assign a name for it.
XmlTest myTest = TestTools.attachTestToSuite(mySuite,
"Test Retry Hello World");
// Add package to test
List<XmlPackage> l_packages = new ArrayList<>();
new XmlPackage("com.my.tests.data"));
assertThat("We should have 1 skipped test",
tla.getSkippedTests().size(), is(equalTo(1)));
assertThat("We should have 1 successful method",
tla.getPassedTests().size(), is(equalTo(1)));
assertThat("We should have no failed methods",
tla.getFailedTests().size(), is(equalTo(0)));
assertThat("RetryAdpaper should only be called once", RetryListener.getEexecutedNrOfTimes(),is(equalTo(1)));
I was expecting the Listener to be executed once per test. Also I have no idea about why it is called 15 times.
TestNG Version
7.0 & 7.1
Expected behavior
IAnnotationTransformer called once per method. (version 6.X)
Actual behavior
IAnnotationTransformer called 15 times per method. (version > 7.X)
Is the issue reproductible on runner?
Test case sample
Create a retry listener. Create one test using the listener.
Here is my listener:
Here is my test
I was expecting the Listener to be executed once per test. Also I have no idea about why it is called 15 times.