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(Close Pending #62) Feature: Vars, Keys, and Values in Function Args #61

Closed Swivelgames closed 4 months ago

Swivelgames commented 1 year ago


As an extension of #56, this would allow passing @index, @key, ., or $varname as function arguments.


arr1=("hello" "world")
declare -A DATA

uppercase() {
    echo -n "${1^^}"


<b>{{#uppercase $foo }}</b>
<b>{{#uppercase $DATA.rip }}</b>

    {{#uppercase .}}

    {{#uppercase @key}} {{.}}




    RIP hub


Implementation Considerations

This will require iterating through each of the arguments passed to a function in order to replace them with the key, index, or value.


One issue I foresee with the above feature is the use of $ as the prefix to denote a variable. For instance, if a function arg is a dollar amount or something similar, this might cause issues: {{#myfunc $10.00}}. Granted, I'm not even sure this is a valid use-case.

Some options we have available to us:

{{#myfunc $foo }}
{{#myfunc &foo }}
{{#myfunc #foo }}

Granted, there's this (albeit limited) option:

    {{myfunc .}}

But that would limit functions to receiving a single variable.

Swivelgames commented 1 year ago

I'm going to hold off on implementing passing variables until there's some discussion, but I'll at least throw together a proof-of-concept for passing @key and . and push it up as a PR. (Most likely tomorrow).

fidian commented 1 year ago

What I would absolutely love to see is a way to pass variables, strings, and other things to functions. Going off memory, I believe we currently have {{myfunc parameter}}. Only string parameters are allowed and the list is merely split on spaces. There's no way to pass in variable names, strings with spaces, etc. If I were to dream big (and possibly break backwards compatibility), I would support the following:

fidian commented 1 year ago

I'm not proposing that indirect values are solved here, but we allow for indirect values once they get decided upon.

fidian commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the rapid emails.

Another feature, if I were to have my ideal wish, would be to allow mustache inside mustache.

{{myfunc {{anotherFunc "thing"}}}} -> {{myfunc "result_of_anotherFunc"}}

Sadly, this would probably take rewriting the entire parser.

fidian commented 1 year ago

Function processing and handling of arguments has been greatly altered with #62. I think that the solution there would work to solve the problems here. Would you agree?